Saturday, December 19, 2015

F&O Gurukul chat archive 19/12/15

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 07:52]
Once your z account is activated u will be added to Zerodha gurukul

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 07:52]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 07:53]
Yahan pe jho reveal kar rahe hai woh sirf trailers hai..

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 07:53]

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 07:54]
Picture abhi baki hai

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 07:54]
Yes woh milega z pathshala mein

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 07:55]
Strategies, options and lot more

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 07:55]

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 07:48]
ya  suneel bhai  ask ur quetions

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 07:48]
and  we will try to answer as and when possible

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 07:48]
at the earliest possible time

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 07:57]
I am very happy that whatever strategies and chart setup been disclosed is being used by lot of members and benefitting from it

Rakesh 44  (Z) LT  NDLS, [19.12.15 08:58]
I also wants to understand chart settings

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 09:03]
How to plot support n resistance

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 09:07]
More participants are joining. Will start very shortly

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 09:07]
Noted sir g

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 09:26]
Class on dot 10 baje shuru karenge

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 09:36]
hi wc all  🙏🏻🙏🏻

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 09:38]
ask ur  questions  on technical analysis

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 09:38]

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 09:38]

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 09:38]
but  only FNO stocks    indices   mcx

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 09:38]
lower  groups    wont be discussed

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 09:43]

Abhishek Bagri, [19.12.15 09:43]
Jswsteel C4 on weekly playing out well!! Can do 1200 or so it seems

Sandesh Singh Sandesh, [19.12.15 09:50]
Shashi ji how to delete previous & unnecessary msg from telegram

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 09:51]
hi  wc all

Sidu Boga mtrust 1 ps, [19.12.15 10:06]
click on right side ...option came delete unness message

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 10:09]

Nanda, [19.12.15 10:09]
Do SMA strategies work with options chart as well?

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 10:11]
Good morning everyone

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 10:11]

Abhishek TERN1821, [19.12.15 10:11]
Mrng to one&all

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 10:11]
Shashiji, would like to revise open break out strategy

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 10:11]
all  experts are requested  to reply   on questions

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 10:12]
Stock selection for intraday

Abhishek TERN1821, [19.12.15 10:12]
Any view on reliance
Has it toped out

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 10:12]
bhai intra day men 15 point degaya

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 10:12]
jo  ki  not bad

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:12]
Welcome to all new members

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:13]
Good to see lot of new joinees

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:14]
As we have got lot of new members, revision kyun na hojaye

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:14]
I would need participation

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:15]
If not, I will feel like I am talking to myself.

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 10:15]
How to judge entry or exit levels post signal recd from charts

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:15]
I see 0 members online

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:15]
Should I start the class ?

Rakesh 44  (Z) LT  NDLS, [19.12.15 10:15]
I am online

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 10:16]
May be we wait for half hour

Abhishek TERN1821, [19.12.15 10:16]
Go ahead sir

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:16]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:16]
It could be revision for old members

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 10:17]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:17]
As Makarandji has asked to explain open range breakout.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:17]
I will revise that first.

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 10:17]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:17]
Open range breakout is a strategy that can be used as a reference point for any particular stock or indices for that day.

Abhishek Bagri, [19.12.15 10:18]
Start sir

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:18]
I will share chart to explain in detail

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 10:18]

Rakesh 44  (Z) LT  NDLS, [19.12.15 10:20]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:22]
[ Photo ]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:23]
This is Maruti's Yesterday chart.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:23]
You need to draw 2 horizontal lines on first 15 min candle

Anurag  Jain, [19.12.15 10:23]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:23]
and if the price breaks the above line, then buy

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:23]
if the price breaks the below line SELL

Rakesh 44  (Z) LT  NDLS, [19.12.15 10:23]
For intraday or position

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:24]
for intraday

PuraV  JosHi Guri 0084, [18.12.15 15:02]
[ Photo ]

PuraV  JosHi Guri 0084, [18.12.15 15:02]
[ Photo ]

PuraV  JosHi Guri 0084, [18.12.15 15:04]
Thnx to Shashi Sir.  🙏

Sunil Renger, [18.12.15 15:05]
Yes thanks to him

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [18.12.15 15:06]
Thanks. Good to see these kind of msgs

Kailash Chaturvedi, [18.12.15 15:07]
kamaal  Zerodha

Kailash Chaturvedi, [18.12.15 15:08]
maruti gained  50 points

Kailash Chaturvedi, [18.12.15 15:08]
4688 to  4635 done

Kailash Chaturvedi, [18.12.15 15:09]
niftyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy   doooba

Kailash Chaturvedi, [18.12.15 15:09]
bnf dooooooooa

Kailash Chaturvedi, [18.12.15 15:09]
rel dooooooooooba

Kailash Chaturvedi, [18.12.15 15:09]
maruti  gone

Kailash Chaturvedi, [18.12.15 15:09]
update  gains

Sunil Renger, [18.12.15 15:10]
3000 gained

Sagar Sitre, [18.12.15 15:17]
3000 bought

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [18.12.15 15:18]
Sunil Renjar is our new member of our group who learnt 9,26 SMA strategy today and made good returns. This kind of support and training happens only here at Dhanvarsha. Want this kind of free support, join us. Telegram or whatsapp @ 9845333893. Open a zerodha account under our referral. save on Brokerage and get personalized support as well

Kailash Chaturvedi, [18.12.15 15:22]
be  prepared ...  those are not active..not appreciating our efforts    not updating gains losses ..only creating chaos may   have to leave this group ....   100 bnf points on this trade
call was
Kailash Chaturvedi, [18.12.15 11:29]
sell bnf at 16665  and on swing highs  sl 16817  tgt 15591  16513  15444  16202    pls update ur tradews  gains   🍀

Kailash Chaturvedi, [18.12.15 15:30]
btst nf  7785

Kailash Chaturvedi, [18.12.15 15:31]
it is time to update gains    ..dont  miss  updating gains ...

Kailash Chaturvedi, [18.12.15 15:32]
it is time to update gains    ..dont  miss  updating gains ...    Monday morning   tak class    chalao  ...seekho  and sikhao ...

Mahantesh H  (Z) 37, [18.12.15 15:32]
27 n f gain

Mahantesh H  (Z) 37, [18.12.15 15:32]
27 points

Nish Thakker angel rksv  for FNO, [18.12.15 15:32]
No trade today

mack, [18.12.15 15:33]
Not traded today

Chandrashekhar MPRC0715, [18.12.15 15:35]
Reliance 500 gain

Kailash Chaturvedi, [18.12.15 15:38]
pls  avoid  sharing gains or losses about the trades which were not advised here

Chandrashekhar MPRC0715, [18.12.15 15:40]
Ok sir

Kailash Chaturvedi, [18.12.15 15:40]
aap kaha se dekhte ho   kya trade karte ho ku karte ho that is totally upto u   but do not update ur  gains  or losses of trades which were not advised at groups

Manouj Ingale MHRM2876, [18.12.15 15:41]

Rakesh 44  (Z) LT  NDLS, [18.12.15 15:41]
Sir one suggestion. Everybody posting calls creates confusion.

Rakesh 44  (Z) LT  NDLS, [18.12.15 15:41]
One member posting buy other sell.

Kailash Chaturvedi, [18.12.15 15:49]
then what to be done

Kailash Chaturvedi, [18.12.15 15:49]

Vijay Sekar, [18.12.15 15:54]
How to delete previous message

Vijay Sekar, [18.12.15 15:56]
In mcx group there is option for clear history

Kailash Chaturvedi, [18.12.15 16:25]
all memeber s of group  are advised so  save my number  9838772020    so that  i will be able to save their contact   and may call  you in any emergency....

Shivakumar (Z) DS 5872 NR, [18.12.15 16:37]
Thanks to Shashi sir n kcji

Shivakumar (Z) DS 5872 NR, [18.12.15 16:38]
No trade today but from the class I earned handsome yesterday

Sunil Renger, [18.12.15 16:42]
How to do i plot support n resistance sashi sir

abhishek kanchan MHRA7096, [18.12.15 16:48]
Maruti 4650 pe 750 gain. 1 lot bought @ 59 sold @ 65

Kailash Chaturvedi, [18.12.15 17:31]
Mr Shashi  introduced  his  friend Nayan to Zerodha just now at 5 15  PM
kise kya mila—
Nayan  will have to pay  zero brokerage for delivery and 2 months  free trades every year if he
will win Zerodha Challenge lowest  brokerage @ Rs 20 /- per order  only   for unlimited qty and
get our lifelong   online guidance for free
Shshi will enjoy 10 % share in brokerage  for whole life as referral bonus ...
and Zerodha will  get one dedicated  trader  ...thus we all will  grow  ..
Sabka saath sabka vikas    hai aapme ye Josh ye junooon  🍀🍀

Rakesh 44  (Z) LT  NDLS, [18.12.15 17:39]

Kailash Chaturvedi, [18.12.15 20:11]
Following since 4 years    ....  why    kuch to khas hai ??    4000  ka gai   2400  se   small trader ko kya hona  ???  join  MCX  gurukul at telegram      free  sewa  ...seekho  and  sikhao    add +919838772020     share   msg  with all ur groups and friends

Kailash Chaturvedi, [18.12.15 21:02]
2394  to 2445  trded  gained  5000 per lot call was
Kailash Chaturvedi, [18.12.15 19:13]
buy jan crude 2404    2395    sl  2388  tgt 2422    2449  ....🍀🍀 mcx  gurukul   join now    for free    at teregram +919838772020

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [18.12.15 21:10]
Sunil ji, I saw your message now. Tommorrow we will discuss about support and resistance,

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [18.12.15 21:10]
Revision on opening candle breakout.

Kailash Chaturvedi, [18.12.15 21:10]
gold  gained 40000  rs or more  per lot at 25220  from 24801   saare  tgt naap die   ...????????    calls were   �> Kailash Chaturvedi, [17.12.15 22:38]
retracement possible in gold   buy  between 24822 to  24790 sl  24788   tgt 24917 ��25032 ��25114
��25202   har level  ka tootana jaroori  hai next  level par   jane ke  lie   trading at 24812          Kailash Chaturvedi, [18.12.15 16:43]
gold   buy  between 24913  to  24852 SL  25838    tgt ��25032 ��25114 ��25202  trading at 25912  join me at telegram group  MCX gurukul for free  at +919838772020

Nish Thakker angel rksv  for FNO, [18.12.15 21:20]
Sirji how to identity/select the stock which give good move in intraday? Or how to pick stock for intraday trading?

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [18.12.15 21:24]
Nish, there are three parts in your question.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [18.12.15 21:24]
I am currently using my mobile so will be difficult to type.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [18.12.15 21:24]
Tommorrow morning I will answer all your questions.

Brijesh  singala, [18.12.15 22:02]
History clear

Kailash Chaturvedi, [18.12.15 22:03]
which history

Sourish C, [18.12.15 22:54]
can we trade bse stocks in zerodha?

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [18.12.15 23:01]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [18.12.15 23:01]
Bse nse mcx currency

Kailash Chaturvedi, [18.12.15 23:03]
Sourish  zerodha is  1 of the best  discount brokerage house  growing exponentially

Sandesh Singh Sandesh, [18.12.15 23:06]
2600 again in crude

Sandesh Singh Sandesh, [18.12.15 23:07]
Hats of to guru ji

Sourish C, [18.12.15 23:12]
Shashi and Kailash ji thanks for the info...

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 07:40]
Good Morning , Namastey, Salam India , Jai Hind ❤️🙏🏻 Dil se  seekho and sikhao ..  Share market for  free eqity , commodity , currency  , futures and options    sawal aapke Jawab experts ke...Join Telegram Group at +919838772020  aap expert hain trader ya  newbee  feel free to join now in market hours and learning on Holidays ...share with you friends 🍀🙏🏻🙏🏻

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 07:42]
Good Morning , Namastey, Salam India , Jai Hind ❤️🙏🏻 Dil se  seekho and sikhao ..  Share market for  free ...eqity , commodity , currency  , futures and options    sawal aapke Jawab experts ke...Join Telegram Group at +919838772020  aap expert hain trader ya  newbee  feel free to join now in market hours and learning on Holidays ...share with you friends 🍀🙏🏻🙏🏻

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 07:45]
Good morning to everyone

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 07:45]
Good morning

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 07:45]
What time the class starts

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 07:46]
I think sunilji is very eager to learn

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 07:47]
Sunil ji, when more members pitch in, class shuru ho jayega

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 07:48]
Ok sir g

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 07:48]
Wanted to know how to ot support n resistance

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 07:48]
Pivot n resistance is it same or different

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 07:49]
Are you clear with the chart setup and SMA

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 07:49]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 07:49]
I think you traded yesterday after looking charts.

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 07:50]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 07:50]
Don't you know you did confident trades

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 07:50]
Yes i was confident

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 07:50]
Was not scared of taking trades

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 07:50]
But have to learn more

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 07:51]
Yes, learning curve never ends
Rakesh 44  (Z) LT  NDLS, [19.12.15 10:24]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:25]
Any questions ?

Anurag  Jain, [19.12.15 10:25]
I am a beginner and would like to know from where the charts are to be downloaded

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 10:25]

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 10:25]
Got it

Rakesh 44  (Z) LT  NDLS, [19.12.15 10:25]
Is it only for stocks or is applicable to index also
Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:25]
on index as well

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:25]
you can use the same strategy for 30 min and 1 hour as well

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:26]
but I am using 15 min and it works beautifully

Nanda, [19.12.15 10:26]
I feel stoploss is very important in trading mainly during intraday..

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:26]
Yes Nanda ji

Anurag  Jain, [19.12.15 10:26]
So you mean to say that during first 15 mins we have to watch the candles

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:26]
that would be decided looking at the support and resistance

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:26]
I will cover that as well.

Nanda, [19.12.15 10:26]
Ok pls

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:27]
Anurag ji, I don't buy anything without seeing the chart.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:27]
Chat will tell everything.

Anurag  Jain, [19.12.15 10:27]
Got it but our main concern is how to decipher the charts

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:28]
Yes, it will be covered

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:28]
I will tell you the chart setup.

Anurag  Jain, [19.12.15 10:28]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:28]
Any questions with open range breakout ?

Anurag  Jain, [19.12.15 10:28]
Got it

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 10:29]
Shashiji, 1, 5, 10, 15 min charts show different signals. If stoch show sell on 15 min then on 5 min or 1 min it shows buy

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:29]
yes, lower the time frame lot of signals

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:29]
hence stick with 15 min

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:29]
gives more conviction.

Anurag  Jain, [19.12.15 10:29]
Other question is there are n  number of securities how do we spot range breakout

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 10:29]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:30]
Anurag ji, You cannot scan all the stocks and trade everything. Have few very good volatile stocks and trade only with them.

Anurag  Jain, [19.12.15 10:30]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:30]
End of the day, how much am i taking home matters.

Anurag  Jain, [19.12.15 10:30]

Anurag  Jain, [19.12.15 10:31]
so you mean to say we should select few scrips beforehand

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 10:31]
Coming to the same, how to select stock for intraday trade

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:31]
Its good to follow only few stocks

Anurag  Jain, [19.12.15 10:31]
then question comes how to select those few stocks

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:31]
and one more rule, never love or hate any stock

Anurag  Jain, [19.12.15 10:32]
Emotionless trading

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:32]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:32]
Shall  I proceed to next topic

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 10:32]
Sirji, ka guru mantra hai

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:32]

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 10:32]
Never love or hate any stock

Anurag  Jain, [19.12.15 10:33]
Mine question is unansewered

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:33]
selecting stock ?

Anurag  Jain, [19.12.15 10:33]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:33]
Anurag ji, I will answer all of them

Anurag  Jain, [19.12.15 10:33]

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 10:33]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:33]
I am just going in the flow so that everything is covered.

Anurag  Jain, [19.12.15 10:33]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:34]
Sunil ji was asking what is support and resistance.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:34]
On the same open range breakout chart, the top line would act as resistance and the bottom line would act as support.

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 10:34]

Rakesh 44  (Z) LT  NDLS, [19.12.15 10:35]
Wht will be nxt support after breakout

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 10:35]
So I buy than SL will be bottom line

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:35]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:35]
I was wondering why no one asked this question.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:35]
and the target would be the distance between the two lines.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:36]
that should be first target

Rakesh 44  (Z) LT  NDLS, [19.12.15 10:36]
Which question

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:36]
Stoploss of open range breakout

Rakesh 44  (Z) LT  NDLS, [19.12.15 10:36]
Tht is understood

Rakesh 44  (Z) LT  NDLS, [19.12.15 10:36]
My q is diff

Rakesh 44  (Z) LT  NDLS, [19.12.15 10:36]
Wht will be nxt support after breakout

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:37]
Rakesh ji, your question would be answered in pivot points topic

Rakesh 44  (Z) LT  NDLS, [19.12.15 10:37]

Rakesh 44  (Z) LT  NDLS, [19.12.15 10:37]
Good till now👍👍

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:38]
In simple words, Support and resistance lines can be drawn based on the past data.

Rakesh 44  (Z) LT  NDLS, [19.12.15 10:38]
Will we discuss commodity separately

Anurag  Jain, [19.12.15 10:38]
In the above chart, there was a range breakout giviing a sell signal. Now would be support & resistance

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:39]
Breakout happened below so it means it broke the support.

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 10:39]

Prosenjit Ghosh, [19.12.15 10:39]
Thankyou sir!

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 10:39]

Anurag  Jain, [19.12.15 10:39]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:40]
If the price is trading below the bottom line, it would become resistance if the stock tries to go up.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:40]
The support for one candle could be resistance for another one.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:40]
so where do you draw support and resistance, that is something which will be covered in Pivot points.

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 10:41]

Anurag  Jain, [19.12.15 10:41]

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 10:42]
In 15 min timeframe no of days 5-15-60 which one need to select ?

Arun Kumar, [19.12.15 10:42]
Select 1 day

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:43]

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 10:43]

Anurag  Jain, [19.12.15 10:44]
So if we are looking at opening bell, we need to have a look at the previous day chart also

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:44]
This is first 15 min candle of trading day

MD Ahsan Malik, [19.12.15 10:45]
Hy good morning all

MD Ahsan Malik, [19.12.15 10:46]
My self md ahsan from Udaipur

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:46]
Welcome Malik ji

Anurag  Jain, [19.12.15 10:46]
It is not necessary that the range breakout happens on the 1 candle of the day

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:46]
I think you are not understanding the strategy at all.

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 10:47]

MD Ahsan Malik, [19.12.15 10:47]
Plz tel me trending a/c opne company name

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:47]
This is open range breakout which needs to be plotted on first 15 min candle

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 10:47]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:47]
@Anurag ji, You cannot draw lines on all candles and see for breakout right ?\

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 10:48]
open an account

Anurag  Jain, [19.12.15 10:48]
got it

MD Ahsan Malik, [19.12.15 10:48]

MD Ahsan Malik, [19.12.15 10:49]
Link plz share

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 10:49]

Ashish MPRA1334, [19.12.15 10:50]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:53]
Welcome to all new members.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:53]
We were discussing about open range breakout strategy
Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:53]
We were discussing about open range breakout strategy

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:53]
Please scroll up to see the msgs.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:53]
Please ask me if any questions.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:54]
Will proceed to next topic if I don't get any questions

Sidu Boga mtrust 1 ps, [19.12.15 10:55]
sir how can use dmi ,fastk% ,rsi

Sidu Boga mtrust 1 ps, [19.12.15 10:55]
in intraday

Amit  Shah, [19.12.15 10:55]
Sirji is intraday chart setting EMA 13,21 and 55 good

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:56]
Sure Siddu ji. Your question would be answered.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:56]
Amit ji , chart setup is the next topic

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:56]
Will answer your question

Amit  Shah, [19.12.15 10:57]
Ok sirji thankyou

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:57]
As I did not get any question with regards to open range breakout, I will proceed to next topic

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:57]
Chart setup

Arun Kumar, [19.12.15 10:57]
It is applicable for all stocks

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:58]
Yes, applicable on stocks, fno commodities currency

Arun Kumar, [19.12.15 10:58]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:59]
There are more than 30 to 40 indicators. lagging indicator, leading indicator. But do you need to have everything in your chart........

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:59]
Trust me if you have everything you will not be able to trade.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 10:59]
Keep your chart setup as simple as possible.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:00]
I would like to have Bollinger band, RSI, MCAD, PSAR

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:00]
and also 9,26 SMA

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:00]
Will discuss about 9, 26 SMA strategy

Amit  Shah, [19.12.15 11:00]
Ok sirji

Sidu Boga mtrust 1 ps, [19.12.15 11:01]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:01]
Hope Amitji I have answered your question.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:01]
Does anyone have any questions with chart setup ?

Rakesh 44  (Z) LT  NDLS, [19.12.15 11:02]
How to set these indicators

Rakesh 44  (Z) LT  NDLS, [19.12.15 11:02]
In zerodha

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:02]
Except PSAR, rest keep the default settings

Amit  Shah, [19.12.15 11:02]
Yes sirji

Anurag  Jain, [19.12.15 11:02]
I don't know how to setup chart so there is no question beforehand

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:02]
Anurag ji, Are you using zerodho or any other platform to refer charts

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 11:03]
[ Photo ]

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 11:03]
shasi g

Anurag  Jain, [19.12.15 11:03]
I have tried none

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 11:03]
See chart

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 11:03]
Yellow line pr

Rakesh 44  (Z) LT  NDLS, [19.12.15 11:03]
Hw to activate

Anurag  Jain, [19.12.15 11:03]
Pls. share the link for chart setup

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 11:03]
9 and 26 ka crossover hua hai

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:03]
Sandeepji......Flow break ho jayega

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 11:04]
To buy kha bnta hai

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 11:04]
Ok no more question

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 11:04]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:04]
Sandeepji, let me explain the strategy

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:04]
then will answer your question as well

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 11:04]
Shashi sir yesterday u told me strong resistance for maruti was 4783

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 11:04]
Ok keep it going🙏

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 11:04]
How did h figured it out

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 11:05]
Not in 15min chart right

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:05]
Sunil ji, I referred Pivots point levels and told you. I will cover that topic

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 11:06]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:06]
Guys, I don't mind questions but lets be in the flow.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:06]
I was asking about Chart setup.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:06]
For PSAR the setting should be 0.03, 0.5

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:06]
rest of other indicators keep it default settings.

Rakesh 44  (Z) LT  NDLS, [19.12.15 11:07]
Hw to activate MACD

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:07]
Activate ya read MACD ?

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 11:07]

Vijay Sekar, [19.12.15 11:07]
Horizontal line for high low or open close

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:08]
@Vijay. Good question.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:10]
ah.. sorry. Horizontal line for Open and close

Sidu Boga mtrust 1 ps, [19.12.15 11:12]
sir tell me...,

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:13]
Any questions with regards to chart setup ?

Bhagwati Jain, [19.12.15 11:14]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:14]
Welcome Bhagwati ji

Bhagwati Jain, [19.12.15 11:14]
Ty sa

Sidu Boga mtrust 1 ps, [19.12.15 11:15]
sir tell me how can use macd ,sar, band

Mirza RM2295, [19.12.15 11:16]
What will be sl nd target in this case

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:17]
Bollinger band in simple words is like a magnetic range. The upper band tries to pull the price towards upwards and the bottom line pulls towards downwards. When you see candle touching upper bollinger band, you need to look for any other indicator like RSI, MCAD or PSAR and look opportunity for buy.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:17]
In chart setup, if two or more indicators suggest something go ahead with that.

Amit  Shah, [19.12.15 11:17]
Sirji any good macd setting other tan 8,12,26

Amit  Shah, [19.12.15 11:18]
Sorry 9

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:18]
Amit ji for MACD that works good.

Amit  Shah, [19.12.15 11:18]
Ok sirji

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:18]
PSAR is parabolic stop and reversal indicator.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:18]
If you plot that you would see dots either on the bottom of the candle or at the top of the candle.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:19]
If the dot is at the bottom of the candle, then Buy and if it reverses and start forming at the top, sell signal.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:19]
Again, you will combine two or more indicators to decide.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:19]
If you are getting contradictory views, then don't get into the trade.

Sidu Boga mtrust 1 ps, [19.12.15 11:21]
which time frame is good sir ?

Sidu Boga mtrust 1 ps, [19.12.15 11:22]
in intraday

Sidu Boga mtrust 1 ps, [19.12.15 11:22]
and position also

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:23]
MACD is moving average diverengce indicator if the divergence happens below 0, then you need to look for opportunities to buy

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:24]
15 min time frame gives more conviction.

Vijay Sekar, [19.12.15 11:24]
Parameters are 0.02 and 0.2 same or modify for PSar
Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:24]
Modify to 0.03 and 0.5

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:25]
RSI is nothing but relative strength index which will tell you whether the stock is in over bought ya oversold condition.

Vijay Sekar, [19.12.15 11:25]
For 15/mts

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:25]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:25]
Theoritically the band is 30, 70

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:25]
but for 15 min time frame consider 20 and 80 as the bands for RSI

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 11:26]
RSI default 14days OK ?

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:26]
if RSI is above 70 or 80, its over bought condition and it it is below 30 or 20, its in oversold condition.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:26]
14 day period Yes

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 11:26]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:27]
Any question with indicators of my chart setup.

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 11:27]

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 11:27]
How do v read mcad

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 11:28]
And example chart

Ritesh Soni, [19.12.15 11:28]
Thanks sirji

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 11:28]
Any chart example

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 11:29]
ok  sure

Pankaj Gala, [19.12.15 11:29]
@sashiji I agree with the over bought and over sold mechanism of RSI but many times the stock still moves higher and vice versa in this case scenario

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:31]
[ Photo ]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:31]
Sunil ji , I have posted Maruti chart

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:31]
Do you see the divergence , It happened below zero and stock went up

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:32]
if you see the same chart there is another divergence and that took the stock down

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:32]
Hope this answers your question.

Vijay Sekar, [19.12.15 11:33]
In chart cross over lines moving average correct?

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 11:33]
Macd 2 lines available how to add ?

Sidu Boga mtrust 1 ps, [19.12.15 11:34]
sma 9 & 26 how can use?

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:34]
Pankaji, If the stock is trading at a strong support or resistance and if there is a break out you would see RSI touching 90 above as well.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:35]
Yes, Siddu ji. I will disclose........ Coming to that topic

Sidu Boga mtrust 1 ps, [19.12.15 11:35]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:35]
Yes vijay

Pankaj Gala, [19.12.15 11:36]
Many times I've seen stocks in super over sold territory and Rsi at 18,17 levels and still the stock keeps on giving new lows... In this case scenario how to manage to entry that stock???

Vijay Sekar, [19.12.15 11:36]
9/and 26

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:37]
In that case, just switch to different time frame and see what that is telling the story.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:37]
You might be seeing 15 min TF chart and RSI would be showing as 82 but if you switch to 30 min, then it would be showing 69.

Pankaj Gala, [19.12.15 11:38]
I normally use 30 mins data chart

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:38]
by far the stock is in over bought condition and you would get signals to sell

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:38]
you should look for candle patterns at that time.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:38]
Doji or a spinning top

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:39]
Pankaj ji, Candlestick topic will be covered in further sessions.

Pankaj Gala, [19.12.15 11:39]
Okay no probs 👍🏼

sushil Chokhandre MHRD1199, [19.12.15 11:39]
[ File : sdf.jpg ]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:40]
Any other questions with related to chart setup or settings of any indicator.........

Sidu Boga mtrust 1 ps, [19.12.15 11:40]
sir pls tell me one byone topic

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:40]
Yes, I am in the same flow.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:41]
As i did not receive any questions, I will process to 9, 26 SMA

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:42]
9,26 SMA strategy is very powerful intraday setup and it is called as visual trading.

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 11:42]
Macd crossover lines in ur maruti chart how to add

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:42]
Once you plot MACD, the lines would appear

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:43]
@Balaji, which is the charting tool that you are using ?

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 11:43]

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 11:43]
In that default is 26-13-9

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:44]
that's also fine.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:44]
9,26 is important

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:44]
13 ya 14 is days

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:44]
Balaji, I will explain 9,26 SMA, MCAD will also get cleared with that.

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 11:45]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:45]
Let me share the same Maruti chart with 9,26 SMA

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:47]
[ Photo ]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:47]
Same Maruti chat with 9, 26 SMA plotted.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:48]
If 9 crosses above 26 SMA, then Buy and

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:49]
Hope the chart explains it all

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:49]
Hence its called as visual trading.

Angel Group, [19.12.15 11:49]
Sir which best chart platform in use

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:50]
There was call from Khailashji on Maruti yesterday - Kailash Chaturvedi, [18.12.15 10:29]
sell maruti f  4687  to 4700 sl  4703  tgt 4643  4603 lot size  125

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:50]
from 4690 to 4627

Angel Group, [19.12.15 11:51]
Good call

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:51]
Yesterday and day before people posted bumper gains only in Maruti

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 11:52]

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 11:55]
Thank u sir g

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:56]
Any questions with this strategy.

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 11:56]

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 11:56]
But mcad

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 11:56]

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 11:56]
dear friends    if u are trader  if u are analyst  be like   smart politician ...dont be rigid     wo party join karo  jiske chances more hain .....

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 11:57]
if bulls are dominating  join  them    and if bears are dominating  be bears 🙏🏻

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 11:59]
Shashi g maruti chart me kal k din 5th candle jo green hai bearish candle thi.

So niche gya aur end of the day bullish candle form hua hai lets see what happens next.

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 11:59]
[Forwarded from Shashi bhushan HORA5721]
[ Photo ]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 11:59]
MCAD has period along with 9,26 EMA. If the same crossover happens below zero that gives more conviction to buy

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 12:00]
so decide   what u are  ?  bulls  ?  bears ? or neutral  ?

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 12:01]
Sandeepji. Now you can go ahead and ask questions related to 9,26 SMA

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 12:02]
i m nothing.... men  ek hi scrip men  intra day men jab marji long ho jata hoon jab marji short ..bas  sl ke saath....kuki sl  is like helmet,  like fuse wire  ya like  life jacket...

Deepakgajra-lic, [19.12.15 12:03]
Sl is god

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 12:03]
charts   candles  indicators    fib  levels   pivot levels tells us  every thing

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 12:04]
Yes, we advise everyone to calculate loss first before entering the trade. Will i be able to afford that loss, if not place buy order close to SL

Deepakgajra-lic, [19.12.15 12:04]
My sl is 5000

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 12:04]
but don't trade without SL

Deepakgajra-lic, [19.12.15 12:04]
Each trade

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 12:04]
so  seeekho    and  sikhao  ..jitna sikhaoge...utna hi  gyan  badhega    try karke dekho  ..

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 12:04]
that'a a good tip Deepak ji

Deepakgajra-lic, [19.12.15 12:06]
Otherwise hold if you have money

Deepakgajra-lic, [19.12.15 12:06]
Aapka bhav aatahi hai

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 12:06]
deepak ji  i m not promoting  hold

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 12:06]

Deepakgajra-lic, [19.12.15 12:07]
I say sl or holding power

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 12:07]
crude   6600     se sirf 2300 aaya hai

Deepakgajra-lic, [19.12.15 12:07]
I have to weapon sl or holding power

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 12:07]
chadi 75000  se 33000   aayi hai

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 12:07]
holding power

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 12:08]
forget  about it

Deepakgajra-lic, [19.12.15 12:09]
Deepakgajra-lic, [19.12.15 12:09]

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 12:09]
I m agree with deepak sir...

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 12:09]
If paise h

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 12:10]
To rate aata h

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 12:10]
Wrna loss dec

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 12:10]

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 12:10]
Kr lo

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 12:10]
Crude daily sl kha k

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 12:10]
Dobara Trgt deta h

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 12:11]
Lekin ek baar loss book krne pr

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 12:11]
Dobara us script me kam nhi kar skte

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 12:11]
Darr lgta hai

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 12:11]
Sir g how about pivot

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 12:11]
Yesterday crude jan sold at 61

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 12:11]
Sl 70

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 12:12]
Kha kr low mara

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 12:12]
Agr hold kre to sure profit

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 12:12]
But main thing

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 12:12]
Holding power

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 12:12]
Wt deepak sir said👍

Deepakgajra-lic, [19.12.15 12:13]
If your behavior like investor you never make money in trading

Deepakgajra-lic, [19.12.15 12:17]
One more thing note down what your feelings after trade

Like book kiya hota to
Or ruka hota to
Sl lagaya hota to

It's helpful for 2nd trade

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 12:17]
Both sides of the story.. Has positives and negatives. It is something which everyone decides, whether to book small Loss or to hold the position.

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 12:18]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 12:18]
My only opinion is if i do some analysis for Intraday and get into the stock, I would rather get out if it not working in my favor and book loss instead of converting into positional.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 12:20]
So coming back to knowledge sharing session, any questions related to the topics covered

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 12:20]
How do v calculate stoploss

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 12:22]
Again taking the same Maruti example

Kailash Chaturvedi, [18.12.15 10:29]
sell maruti f  4687  to 4700 sl  4703  tgt 4643  4603 lot size  125

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 12:23]
when this call was posted the stock was trading at 4687

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 12:24]
4703-4687 * 125 = 2000 would be the loss if SL triggers

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 12:25]
Motivation and   desire is must ...if u are not hungry - no one  can feed you  and if you are not motivated  then   no one  can teach you...  if you want to take  some thing  from some  , you  will have to keep your  hand down  or  you will have to sit in front of  the person  who is guiding you ...if you are above his head  or behind  him , he cant teach you,...  just  give  a  deep thought on it  .

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 12:25]
If you can bear that loss, then go ahead and sell as soon as you see the call, else place a sell order closer to SL

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 12:27]
First calculate loss as soon as you see a call, Will I be able to afford that loss.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 12:28]
You might see as soon as the call is shared, from 4687 it will go to 4680, then you will start repenting and in a hurry sell at that level. what if from there it triggers the SL

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 12:28]
your loss would be more than 2000 now

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 12:29]
Hence plan your trade.

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 12:29]
How to calculate

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 12:29]
Any formula

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 12:29]
I gave you the example.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 12:29]
Maruti is trading at 4687

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 12:29]
Stop loss is 4703

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 12:29]
4703-4687 * 125 = 2000 would be the loss if SL triggers

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 12:29]
How did u get 4703

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 12:30]
See the call - Kailash Chaturvedi, [18.12.15 10:29]
sell maruti f  4687  to 4700 sl  4703  tgt 4643  4603 lot size  125

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 12:32]
Sir d call was for 4687

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 12:32]
How do I calculate d stop

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 12:56]
[ Photo ]

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:01]
Just browsed thru all the topics. Shashi ji ur a library of books for traders like us. Hats off to you!

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:02]
Thank you Sir

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:02]
Your 15mins setup is good. But I fail to use it. As I concentrate more on 1 & 3 mins candle

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:03]
I am not saying 1 or 3 minute is bad, but gives lot of false signals

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:03]
With that I use RSI default and 34 & 8 ema crossover

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:03]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:04]
I have used 8,34, and 9,18 EMA  SMA and based on lot of backtesting concluded that 9,26 is perfect and works great.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:05]
Disclamer: All the strategies discussed here are personally used by me

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:05]
Ok. Then have to do RND on 9,26 as well from monday

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:05]
No one would have seen such disclaimer.

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:05]

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:05]
So 9,26 works well on 15mins right?

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:05]

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:06]
Also tested ur PSAR strategy discussed earlier. Too good.

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:06]
I need to use it more ofteb

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:06]

Sachin Vaidya, [19.12.15 13:06]

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:07]
Using PSAR, EMA and RSI I earned small profits in crude

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:07]
I had one question regarding resistance and support levels.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:07]
Shoot it

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:08]
I am seeing your small profit updates......

Manoj Dedhia, [19.12.15 13:08]

Manoj Dedhia, [19.12.15 13:08]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:08]
With 5000 you made 3500. how can that be small profit.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:08]
Thanks Manoj ji

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:10]
😊 thanks. Sab Kailash ji n aap ki kripa hai

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:10]
Coming back to my question

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:11]
I saw resistance line for crude Jan series at around 2420. It was playing around that point for some time.

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:11]
Then shooted upto 2469-70

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:11]

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:11]
How to identify as to whether a particular stock will break resistance or support?

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:11]
Any indicator?

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:12]
Yes........ This is was the first question by sunil.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:13]
Before I proceed, let me ask everyone whether do they have any question with any topic discussed so far

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:13]
I need responses to proceed

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 13:13]
No questions sir g

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 13:14]
No question

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 13:14]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:15]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:16]
Pivot points is one of the method to determine Support and resistance before the day starts.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:17]
If you are using zerodha, you can just choose plot pivot points and for people who are using any other platform, I will give them the calculation.

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:17]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:17]
Once you plot you would see R4,R3, R2, R1, PP, S1, S2, S3, S4 lines on the chart.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:17]
Let me explain the simple formula.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:18]
by the way in the pivot point itself there are 4 types.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:19]
rather 5 types

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:19]
Simple, Fibonacci, Camarilla, Woodie and DeMark

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:19]
First three are important.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:20]
We are discussing Simple which works perfect.

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:20]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:20]
In order to calculate the pivot levels you would need the previous days high, low

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:21]
Here we go for the formula for manual calculation

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:21]
R3 = H + 2( Pivot - L

R2 = Pivot + ( H - L )

R1 = ( 2 x Pivot ) - L

Pivot = ( H + L + C ) / 3

S1 = ( 2 x Pivot ) - H

S2 = Pivot - ( H - L )

S3 = L - 2( H - Pivot )
Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:21]
There are online calculators as well

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:22]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:22]
you can use this online tool as well.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:22]
Any question so far ?

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:23]
Ok. Done

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:23]
If I don't get response, I will feel that I am talking to myself.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:23]
More responses please.

Pralhad (Z), [19.12.15 13:23]
We are there following

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 13:24]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:24]
Am i going too fast, please let me know ?

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:24]
At times in few softwares or online charts, they are already plotted on graph

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:24]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:24]
like Zerodha

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 13:24]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:24]
even Trade tiger of sharekhan

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:24]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:24]
Now you have the lines, what to do with the lines..........

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:25]
thats a big question

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:25]
Sunilji and Mayuresh ji, you're question would be answered.

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 13:25]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:26]
Now let me explain you how to trade using the pivot levels.

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 13:26]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:27]
If you see a stock above S2, then buy and your target should be S1, PP, R1 and R2.

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:27]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:27]
If you see a stock below R2, then Sell and your target would be R1, PP, S1 and S2.

Anurag  RA6894, [19.12.15 13:28]
Sorry please ignore..

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:28]

Anurag  RA6894, [19.12.15 13:28]
I was just saving for my revision later

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:29]
No problem..

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:30]
If you see a stock below R2, then sell with R1, PP, S1 and S2 as your targets.

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:30]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:31]
another scenario what if the price is below S2, then you need to wait and watch whether will it take support at S3, if it breaks S3 as well then go ahead and Sell and look at other indicators like RSI to know the over sold condition.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:31]
Same holds for the Resistance as well.

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:31]
What if a stock has made a particular low and its moving up and its stable near R1. How will we get to know whether it will break R1 or reverse back?

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:32]
R1 and R2 are the levels where you have to look for opportunity to Sell......

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:32]
Assume you sold at R1 but it went up and R2 or R3 should be your stop loss

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:32]
But at times it crossed R1 n R2 as well and we miss buying opportunity

Vaibhav Patel, [19.12.15 13:32]
Can i give the example shashi ji

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:33]

Vaibhav Patel, [19.12.15 13:33]
[ Photo ]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:33]
Train missed. Mayuresh ji

Vaibhav Patel, [19.12.15 13:33]
Pls see the ngas yesterday high and low

Vaibhav Patel, [19.12.15 13:34]
I got it from earnometer site which i follow for the levelz

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:34]
Yes Vaibhav ji.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:34]
Hope I have not explained differently.

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:34]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:35]
Thanks Vaibhav ji. Its a good one

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:35]
Makes everyone easy to understand.

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:35]
Train miss hogi tabhi to next time se trailing SL use karenge!!

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:35]

Vaibhav Patel, [19.12.15 13:35]
Wc ngas kal ka low 114.20 and high id 119.90

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:36]
Sunilji, Now see the pivot levels and then you can understand why I told you about resistance on Maruti

Vaibhav Patel, [19.12.15 13:36]
See level pp 120.2 and support at 113.90 paise both it levels worked

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:36]
Hope I have answered your question Sunil ji

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 13:36]
Yes boss

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:36]
Trade becomes tricky when the stock is trading at pivot level.

Vaibhav Patel, [19.12.15 13:37]
Wc ji

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:37]
so no hurry, wait for the signal.

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:37]

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 13:37]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:37]
hawa ke saath chalo and pivot will help you and determine hawa kitna tej hai

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:38]
I learnt this after 7 years.......

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 13:39]
Does tjis mean pivot k niche sell?

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:39]
I think I shouldn't have given this GEM to you all........😜

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:39]
Just joking...

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:39]
Sandeepji, Question not clear

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:40]

Anurag  RA6894, [19.12.15 13:40]
Sashi ji.. pivot, moving avg and rsi together should be a good combination i suppose?

Anurag  RA6894, [19.12.15 13:40]
Since u said not to use many charts together

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:40]
Yes Anurag ji. All the topics discussed today are co-related.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:40]
Hence I am going in a flow so that there is no confusion.

Anurag  RA6894, [19.12.15 13:40]

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:41]
So ideally RSI, moving avg, PSAR are gud along with support of pivot charts

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:41]

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:42]
I hv never used MACD. Palle nahi padta mere😁

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:42]
don't use it, instead have 9, 26 SMA

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 13:42]
Yhi ki agar price pivot point k niche ho to sell krna chahiye?
Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:42]
that does the same job, but thoda delayed signal hoga but confirmed signal for sure

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:43]
Pivot point ke aas pas agar price hai tho wait karna and see where it is heading.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:44]
agar niche ja raha hai tho it will either take support on S1 ya S2. Agar S2 break hogaya tho S3 and S3 break hogaya tho sure shot S4.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:44]
You will see lot of action happening Below S3 and above R3

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:45]
that's where scalp traders pitch in.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:46]
Yesterday the Crude trade what I did was scalp trading. Donno taraf se trade karo. Loss tho sirf ek side pe hi hoga na

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:46]
Lets me not confuse you all with scalp trading.....

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 13:47]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:47]
Any questions with Pivot point

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:47]
Sandeepji, PM pe bataunga.

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 13:47]

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 13:47]

Phani Kumar APRV2473, [19.12.15 13:48]
[Forwarded from Phani Kumar APRV2473]
Sashi ji..I hv a question.... Reg.    2652 it useful for intra or positional..?

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:49]
Venkat ji Question not clear.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:49]
2652 setup ?

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:51]
No question with pivot points

Pralhad (Z), [19.12.15 13:51]
Welcome prasad

Mayuresh Warkhandkar, [19.12.15 13:52]
No sir

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 13:52]
So if i buy at s1 stoploss will be s2

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:52]
It took atleast a year for me to understand the trading style, did everyone understood within 30 mins. Either I have not explained correctly or you have not understood or going above the head

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:53]
Good. I am expecting such question.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:53]
Yes you are right

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 13:53]
So I understood in few seconds😜

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:54]
Sunil you are smart........

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 13:54]
Thank u .. U invested ur time in us

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 13:54]
wc mt Prasad

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 13:54]
On us

Anurag  Jain, [19.12.15 13:54]
Still digesting.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:54]
But you have to give the credit to me as well that I explained it very well

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:54]

Anurag  Jain, [19.12.15 13:54]

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 13:54]

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 13:54]

Pralhad (Z), [19.12.15 13:54]
Really awesome

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 13:54]
U r a good teacher

Anurag  Jain, [19.12.15 13:54]
Credit goes to Shashi ji for sparing his valuable time

Pralhad (Z), [19.12.15 13:54]
Thks a lot shashiji

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:54]
Anurag ji, if there is anything which is not digest-able, please let me know

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 13:55]
Will try my level best

Anurag  Jain, [19.12.15 13:55]

Anurag  RA6894, [19.12.15 13:58]
Not many will share their hard earned knowledge like this.. thank you...

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 13:59]
bhai   i wrote something

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 14:03]
ki  if you  teach  others  u will learn more and  more

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 14:04]
Thanks shashiji. My queries also answered pertaining to entry and exit in a trade

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 14:05]
One query

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 14:05]
How do I select a stock for intraday trade

Phani Kumar APRV2473, [19.12.15 14:09] is 26 Ema and 52 Ema crossover s....

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 14:09]
How do I archive the entire learning session as guide for myself from Telegram?

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 14:15]
Venkata ji, that might work for positional but I have not used it.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 14:16]
Makarandji. Always select Category A stocks which has good volatility
Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 14:16]
Makarandji. Always select Category A stocks which has good volatility

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 14:16]
And if you take my opinion watch very few scripts

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 14:17]
if you have 10 best stocks, you will get atleast 6 trades for sure.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 14:17]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 14:17]
These are few

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 14:18]

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 14:19]
News based stocks to be avoided

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 14:19]
Any commodity traders in this group ?

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 14:19]
see chat archives   here

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 14:19]
Yes yes

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 14:20]
Unke liye kal ek superb indicator bataunga.......

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 14:20]

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 14:20]

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 14:20]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 14:20]
I am thinking wheterh should i reveal it or not 😜

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 14:21]
Tomorrow I will share it Makarandji

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 14:22]

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 14:22]

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 14:22]
Mai b Comodity trader hu

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 14:22]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 14:22]
Hope aaj ke topics useful honge and ppl will use and benefit from them.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 14:23]
I would like to see updates on that.

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 14:23]
Eagerly waiting

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 14:23]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 14:23]
I forgot to put another Disclamer.

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 14:24]
Will select a stock and try paper trade on Monday

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 14:24]
Disclamer: If profit made from strategies discussed, 50% would be transferred to me...........

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 14:24]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 14:24]
10:15 se 2:30 tak class chala hai......

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 14:25]
Thanks guys for participation and please ask any questions

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 14:25]
Thanks for your valuable time

Sunil Renger, [19.12.15 14:25]
Thanks to u

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 14:25]
Sir bta do Comodity wala funda

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 14:25]
If i have not answered anyone please post your question again.

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 14:25]
Mai kal pc pr nhi hoga

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 14:25]
Aaj chek b kr lunha

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 14:25]
I will be online.

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 14:25]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 14:25]
Going out for lunch.

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 14:26]

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 14:26]
Have great lunch, dakaar yaha tak aani chaiye....

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 14:26]
Do it first🍲🍲

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 14:26]
okie dokie

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 14:27]
Pune yak

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 14:27]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 14:27]
Now you ppl have to spread word about our awesome group and get them here.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 14:27]
we are only 329 members

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 14:27]
Yahan pe sirf calls nahin milta hai

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 14:28]
Very soon, I will publish Facebook fan page and look forward for more members

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 14:29]
More members here as well more referrals for me 👍👍

Sidu Boga mtrust 1 ps, [19.12.15 14:31]
thank u sir..

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 14:31]

Mahantesh H  (Z) 37, [19.12.15 14:43]
Which web site is good for  index future and stock futures technical analysis ? Google and yahoo charts shows only spot prices not derivatives..

Prasad Sawant, [19.12.15 14:45]
Hi guys this is prasad from mumbai

SARAVANA, [19.12.15 14:47]
9964631122 add this no pls any one

SARAVANA, [19.12.15 14:49]
[ Photo ]

SARAVANA, [19.12.15 14:49]
Should we omit candle length sir

SARAVANA, [19.12.15 14:50]
Has d line to b drawn along thick

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 14:59]
Open and closing to be considered for range breakout

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:02]
Diff between simple.camarilla and simple pivot levels ? Simple is best ? Or need to check others also

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:05]
Simple is easy and works best

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:06]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:06]
No harm in looking other levels as well

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:06]
I try to keep as simple as possible so that its easy for me to trade

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:06]
Pi simple level how to get ?

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:07]
I donno whether they give drop down to change it

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:08]
I have shared a link to calculate pivots

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:08]
S noted

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:09]
Use that and draw horizontal lines are on chart

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:09]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:09]
Is there anyone who watches TV and trade ?

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:11]
Opening candle will form after 15 min only then only trading advicable ?

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:12]
If you wanna follow open range breakout then after 30 mina

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:12]
First candle is reference

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:12]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:13]
Second candle closing will tell u what to do

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:13]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:13]
If the second candle closes in the mid level, then wait for confirmation

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:13]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:14]
Hawa ke saath chalo

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:14]
Trading using chart gives confidence

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:14]
Stick to one strategies

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:14]
Ur psar indicated is giving confidence to go with the trend

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:15]
Don't mix and get confused

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:15]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:15]
Any two or more, go ahead

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:15]
RSI and psar

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:15]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:15]
PSAR and mcad

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:15]
Any two

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:15]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:15]
Or more

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:16]
I will save 9-26 with macd psar

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:16]
I want updates on Monday abt the usuage

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:16]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:17]
If not then I won't share in next weekend session

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:17]
And also profits to B shared 😜

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:18]
Want to learn more sure will update

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:18]
No problem
Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:23]
Pivot levels available in pi sir thanks

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:31]

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:31]
If ur time permits just check axis bank in open break strategy and guide me how to read a signal

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:32]
Open 435.6 cl 440

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:32]
Axis bank for yesterday

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:32]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:32]
Post me the chart

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:32]
I am using Mobile now

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:33]
How to post chart iam not familiar

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:33]
I mean screenshot

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:36]
How to do not done sofar

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:39]
I will do it

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:40]
10 mins

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:40]
[ Photo ]

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:40]
Its correct?

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:41]
15 min

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:42]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:42]
Is this 15 min chart

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:42]
S sir

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:43]
Perfect example

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:43]
Look at second candle closing its above the high of first candle

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:45]
So if you have bought then your SL wud have triggered which is low of first candle.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:47]
I mean calculate your loss before trade

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:49]
S sir

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:50]
Now recall everything what ever you have learnt from today morning

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:50]
In this case buy level is above 1 candle high ? With 1st candle low SL ?

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:51]
Yea sir, if you are fast enough you can buy before the second candle is closed

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:52]
OK pear also suggesting a buy but end SL hit

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:53]

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:53]
9-26 also buy mode

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:53]
If you wud have taught of applying opening range breakout and bought this wud have been a loss trade

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:54]
S sir

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:54]
Could you please let me know where is the second candle closing

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:54]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:54]
Is it not near to r1

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:54]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:55]
So pivot levels recall karo

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:55]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:56]
When the candle is approaching to resistance, do you buy or sell

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:56]
Small macd psar open range breakout all suggest buy also it hit SL ...sell

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:57]

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:57]
4 indicates buy only pivot suggest sell

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:58]
Sir can you include bb, RSI, mcad

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:58]
And post the chart

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 15:59]
This stock traded between S1 to R1

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 15:59]

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 16:00]
Macd also buy mode

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:00]
We have to look at past data and see what is the max range of this stock

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 16:00]
RSI 67

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:00]
MCAD signal line

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:01]
Wait let me pull up the chart

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 16:01]

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 16:01]
Just for learning iam troubling u

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:02]

Vikash Gupta GORV2637(P), [19.12.15 16:02]
Missed the long class by shashi sir.will  have to go through all the chats since morn.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:02]
Please do.. Vikash ji

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 16:04]
already posted at  blog

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 16:04]
Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 16:04]
then erase  from  here

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:08]
Balaji, I looked all the parameters and if you would have applied open range breakout then you would have lost...

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 16:09]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:10]
9,26 SMA cannot be applied bcos crossover had happened previous day, but if look further there is another cross over which wud have worked

Nish Thakker angel rksv  for FNO, [19.12.15 16:10]
[ Photo ]

Vikash Gupta GORV2637(P), [19.12.15 16:10]
Shashi sir .u r from where

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:10]
Hope I have answered ur question

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:10]

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 16:10]
S sir

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 16:11]
Previous day crossover shouldn't consider ?

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:11]

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 16:11]

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 16:12]
Sell signal perfect

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:12]
The long opening candle was the effect of previous day crossover

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 16:12]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:12]
And r1 was the perfect target

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:13]
Hence second candle kissed r1 and came down

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 16:13]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:14]
Good one balaji

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 16:14]
R1 was 443.93 it didn't hit high made 442.2

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 16:14]
R1 SL was perfect for short

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:14]

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:15]
Wrong signal milte hain.. No doubt abt that

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:15]
Have SL in place

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:15]
Else don't trade

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:16]
Vikas, are you also from Bangalore

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:16]
Any bangaloreans in this group

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 16:18]
Me from chennai

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:19]
Balaji, howz Chennai now, is life back on track...

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 16:20]

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 16:21]
Roads only damaged severely

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:22]
Any other questions

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:22]
Or any other chart

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 16:23]
Not now will practice with today's lesson if any doubt will ask

Vikash Gupta GORV2637(P), [19.12.15 16:23]
No sir i am from island of andaman nd nicobar

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 16:24]
Eager to know ur commodity trick

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:24]
Hmm.. Got a contact for my next vacation

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:27]
Tomorrow will disclose

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:27]
Any one trading only in options

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 16:27]

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 16:28]
Any seperare strategy for option ?

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:29]
Option is an edging tool. But you can trade with low investment.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:30]
You see 9,26 SMA crossover then buy in the money call

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 16:30]

Vikash Gupta GORV2637(P), [19.12.15 16:31]
I want to trade only in options .as i am a low capital investor.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:31]
Returns can be exponentially in options

Balaji Rajan, [19.12.15 16:31]
Option prices mainly based on volume and openintrest ?

Vikash Gupta GORV2637(P), [19.12.15 16:31]
Anybody from the group is welcome to pb.

Vikash Gupta GORV2637(P), [19.12.15 16:31]
Port blair(pb)

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:32]
Will meet you if I plan for a vacation

Vikash Gupta GORV2637(P), [19.12.15 16:33]
Definitely.are u only trader or do some job.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:33]
I am an IT consultant

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:34]
I get a chance to travel the world

Vikash Gupta GORV2637(P), [19.12.15 16:34]

Vikash Gupta GORV2637(P), [19.12.15 16:34]
So this is ur passion.

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:34]
Trading is my passion

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:35]
Using Mobile so getting delayed msgs

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:37]
I had asked a question.. No one answered

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 16:38]
Is there anyone in our group who does trading by watching tv

Vikash Gupta GORV2637(P), [19.12.15 16:38]
Which ques

Vikash Gupta GORV2637(P), [19.12.15 16:39]
I dont.

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 16:41]

nilesh Wagh, [19.12.15 16:42]

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 16:44]
hi all if u will  leave  this group ..... u will not be able  re enter  easily   ,.. please   remember it

Vikash Gupta GORV2637(P), [19.12.15 16:49]
Kc sir plz distribute adminship of this group also so that persons can b added nd strength can b incteased

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 16:55]
No shashiji

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 16:55]
Had never done trade watching TV

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 16:56]
all of u  may ask  ur  friends    to add 9838772020

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 16:56]
and  give ur reference

Makarand  Supekar MHRM2492, [19.12.15 16:57]
Thanks Vikashji, PB trip already on card's

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 16:57]
super groups are having   different type  of admin rights

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 16:58]
if  u are having admin rights and not exercising ur  rights   that is  also not  gud

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 16:58]
and overexercising is also no gud

Hiten Mehta 40 kotak angel sk, [19.12.15 17:33]
Kc sir, can u suggest few stocks for 1 plus year long-term. Also is this right time to buy?

Hiten Mehta 40 kotak angel sk, [19.12.15 17:33]

Gopal Jivrajani Trade plus online 99  unlimited coomo, [19.12.15 18:37]
Superb session

MAHESH KUMAR PALADI, [19.12.15 18:38]
[19/12 6:21 pm] Mahesh: Nice Video on MACD AND RSI strategy..
[19/12 6:23 pm] Mahesh: Trend it the most important thing in the mkt .. if you follow the trend it  you will sure make some money (smart trader earn form against the trend too) A 5 min tutorial on draw trend line
[19/12 6:26 pm] Mahesh: Momentum Trading Finding And Executing On Three Simple Patterns:
[19/12 6:29 pm] Mahesh: The MACD Trading System from metastock:  a good one  to understand the MACD
[19/12 6:29 pm] Mahesh: Secret of Successful Traders:
[19/12 6:30 pm] Mahesh: A short video on Trends
[19/12 6:31 pm] Mahesh: Dave Landry - A Simple Approach to Trading Trends for Both Short-term and Longer-term Gains:
[19/12 6:32 pm] Mahesh: Trade with Trend: a short video how to decide which trend we need to follow.. nice one.. worth a watch..
[19/12 6:33 pm] Mahesh: Trading school video on Techinical indicators and trends:
[19/12 6:33 pm] Mahesh: Trading School video on Trade plan:
[19/12 6:35 pm] Mahesh: This is for all who don't have time to read just watch these videos to understand better trading decisions n strategies.

MAHESH KUMAR PALADI, [19.12.15 18:38]
[Forwarded from MAHESH KUMAR PALADI]
[19/12 6:21 pm] Mahesh: Nice Video on MACD AND RSI strategy..
[19/12 6:23 pm] Mahesh: Trend it the most important thing in the mkt .. if you follow the trend it  you will sure make some money (smart trader earn form against the trend too) A 5 min tutorial on draw trend line
[19/12 6:26 pm] Mahesh: Momentum Trading Finding And Executing On Three Simple Patterns:
[19/12 6:29 pm] Mahesh: The MACD Trading System from metastock:  a good one  to understand the MACD
[19/12 6:29 pm] Mahesh: Secret of Successful Traders:
[19/12 6:30 pm] Mahesh: A short video on Trends
[19/12 6:31 pm] Mahesh: Dave Landry - A Simple Approach to Trading Trends for Both Short-term and Longer-term Gains:
[19/12 6:32 pm] Mahesh: Trade with Trend: a short video how to decide which trend we need to follow.. nice one.. worth a watch..
[19/12 6:33 pm] Mahesh: Trading school video on Techinical indicators and trends:
[19/12 6:33 pm] Mahesh: Trading School video on Trade plan:
[19/12 6:35 pm] Mahesh: This is for all who don't have time to read just watch these videos to understand better trading decisions n strategies.
Shubh  blore icici (Z), [19.12.15 18:50]

MAHESH KUMAR PALADI, [19.12.15 18:50]
[ Photo ]

Shubh  blore icici (Z), [19.12.15 18:52]
As per my knowledge none of
Trends, Technicals, corrections you can get from charting pattern
But actually preice moves based on
Investment climates and fundamental

sanjay Patel , [19.12.15 18:53]
shubh upload ur nifty feed logo

sanjay Patel 40 , [19.12.15 18:54]
no no

sanjay Patel , [19.12.15 18:54]
i mean at id logo for telegram id

sanjay Patel 40 , [19.12.15 18:54]
can u see my nifty logo there ?

Shubh  blore icici (Z), [19.12.15 18:55]

sanjay Patel  [19.12.15 18:55]
same go to setting

sanjay Patel , [19.12.15 18:55]
and upload urone

sanjay Patel , [19.12.15 18:56]

sanjay Patel  [19.12.15 18:56]
laptop and mobile

sanjay Patel  [19.12.15 18:56]
thats fantastic for u

Shubh  blore icici (Z), [19.12.15 18:56]

sanjay Patel  [19.12.15 18:56]
for me laptop is good

sanjay Patel  [19.12.15 18:56]
since i use desktop

Sandeep RJDS6016, [19.12.15 19:41]
Hello sir

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 20:06]
hi hello

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 20:06]
kon hai yehan

sanjay Patel , [19.12.15 20:07]
yes sir

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 20:07]
what is going on

sanjay Patel , [19.12.15 20:07]
nothin sir

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 20:07]
are u discussing on any subject

sanjay Patel , [19.12.15 20:07]
week end is boring for me

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 20:08]

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 20:08]
discuss here and  enjoy

sanjay Patel , [19.12.15 20:08]
no work and and not fod of going out

sanjay Patel , [19.12.15 20:08]
i also recomend one friend shubh

sanjay Patel , [19.12.15 20:08]
u added

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 20:08]
lagey raho  groups men

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 20:09]

sanjay Patel , [19.12.15 20:09]
he is quite advisor

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 20:09]
he is with us

Shubh  blore icici (Z), [19.12.15 20:09]

sanjay Patel , [19.12.15 20:09]

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 20:09]
all of u may  bring ur friends

sanjay Patel [19.12.15 20:09]

Shubh  blore icici (Z), [19.12.15 20:10]

Shubh  blore icici (Z), [19.12.15 20:10]
This group will grow ..👍

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 20:11]
bhai  it is  rocking

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 20:11]
because  we    are having    our motto

Shubh  blore icici (Z), [19.12.15 20:12]
Yes ..

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 20:12]
Welcome to all new member

Shashi bhushan HORA5721, [19.12.15 20:13]
Thanks for sharing your strategies

Shubh  blore icici (Z), [19.12.15 20:14]
WC @shashi

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 20:14]
share   knowledge  and go for gains  🍀😄

Shubh  blore icici (Z), [19.12.15 20:18]
[ Photo ]

Shubh  blore icici (Z), [19.12.15 20:19]
This was our weekly level of nifty , we publish for every week...and it works ..

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 20:21]
hi alpesh  wc

Alpesh Banker  43  er, [19.12.15 20:21]

Sidu Boga mtrust 1 ps, [19.12.15 20:35]
pls add this week chart..

Shubh  blore icici (Z), [19.12.15 20:39]
No siddu this was for last week we will make new chart for this week

Shubh  blore icici (Z), [19.12.15 20:39]
Will update you soon

Kailash Chaturvedi, [19.12.15 22:24]    remarks added at chart  ...  nifty  3 years weekly chart


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