27 May 13, 09:45 AM
27 May 13, 09:48 AM
vskp: now i got full confidence, i can earn money to my father cancer treatment, thankssssss to all dhanvarsha team,
27 May 13, 09:49 AM
NPA: @VSKP may god bless ur father. take care of him and urself also
27 May 13, 09:49 AM
SINGH: thank u sir good morning to all
27 May 13, 09:49 AM
admin: wc singh
27 May 13, 09:50 AM
vskp: thanks
27 May 13, 09:51 AM
SINGH: sir u guys r doing great job. Teaching aswells earning
27 May 13, 09:51 AM
admin: do not hold sbin below sl and BUYonly above 2160
27 May 13, 09:51 AM
NPA: admin sir may i take fresh entry to 6100CE abv 16.50?
27 May 13, 09:51 AM
admin: NPA once u missed train forget about it
27 May 13, 09:52 AM
admin: my calls are with sl and instant entry
27 May 13, 09:52 AM
NPA: hmmmm now its better to take entry in another train
27 May 13, 09:52 AM
admin: either at destination or at home
27 May 13, 09:52 AM
johnny: @vksp sorry to hear that but me too busy with my brother in law as he got lung cancer. i can understand ur feeling. may god blesss him
27 May 13, 09:53 AM
admin: u missed supersonic plane today
27 May 13, 09:53 AM
admin: 32 to 59 gr8 move was there
27 May 13, 09:53 AM
admin: in few minutes
27 May 13, 09:54 AM
admin: and i was advocating for that
27 May 13, 09:55 AM
vskp: thanks, johny friend.
27 May 13, 09:56 AM
vskp: gm krishh
27 May 13, 10:05 AM
Dip: NG 234.70
27 May 13, 10:05 AM
admin: grt SHORT advised at 236.50 plus
27 May 13, 10:05 AM
admin: and advised to carry SHORT
27 May 13, 10:06 AM
Dip: sl?
27 May 13, 10:06 AM
Dip: 237.20?
27 May 13, 10:07 AM
admin: dip are u holding ur SHORT
27 May 13, 10:07 AM
admin: u sold at 235.40
27 May 13, 10:07 AM
MOUNAM: SELL sbin @cmp sl 2165 tgt214
27 May 13, 10:08 AM
Dip: yes
27 May 13, 10:08 AM
MOUNAM: 2140
27 May 13, 10:09 AM
27 May 13, 10:09 AM
vijaycs: sbin rate plz
27 May 13, 10:09 AM
NPA: admin me bot 6100ce @ 16 plz give me sl & Trg
27 May 13, 10:10 AM
KRISHH: 2127.5
27 May 13, 10:10 AM
27 May 13, 10:10 AM
johnny: @vssp -- they are based on movement u can carry but if in profit don't hesi.. to BOOK profit
27 May 13, 10:11 AM
vskp: ok
27 May 13, 10:11 AM
johnny: Please note jet call not activated yet
27 May 13, 10:12 AM
johnny: it will only below 38
27 May 13, 10:12 AM
renu: gmmmmmmm
27 May 13, 10:12 AM
johnny: gm renu
27 May 13, 10:13 AM
renu: hiiiii hows goinggg
27 May 13, 10:13 AM
NPA: TSL 17 ??
27 May 13, 10:13 AM
raamnath: hi gm 2 all
27 May 13, 10:13 AM
27 May 13, 10:14 AM
renu: gmmmm
27 May 13, 10:14 AM
renu: i am pos on sbi,,,bought sbi agan @ 27
27 May 13, 10:15 AM
renu: after selling yestdys ,,, BUY @ 22,,,,,@ 41......keep scalping sbi when comes down,,,
27 May 13, 10:15 AM
NPA: me bot 6100CE @ 16 TSL Now 18,, is it correct??? plz help me for TSL & TRG
27 May 13, 10:15 AM
renu: as posted yestdy sbi is a BUY around 2120 range,, reason,,, oversold in hourly chart needs a pull bk,
27 May 13, 10:16 AM
MOUNAM: nifty again sl hit
27 May 13, 10:16 AM
vijaycs: yes mounam
27 May 13, 10:16 AM
vijaycs: mounam always SHORT calls
27 May 13, 10:16 AM
renu: mounam,, nifty is,, oversold in hourly,,, 6015 , above is houlry BUY,,, jsuit see
27 May 13, 10:17 AM
vijaycs: no LONG calls from u in nifty?
27 May 13, 10:19 AM
NPA: TSL Gonee Margin to Margin PRofit 12.5%
27 May 13, 10:19 AM
NPA: Thank u admin sir... i m traying to learn by ur chart setting
27 May 13, 10:19 AM
renu: for me nifty,,, is still not good in eod,,, 6055,,,, stop but in houlry is oversold,, i am sticking to same view,, sir,,,, not moving bk,,
27 May 13, 10:20 AM
renu: by ,, saying bearish in eod ,,, that doenst mean, i will not go for scalping buying and selling
27 May 13, 10:22 AM
NPA: again bot @16.75
27 May 13, 10:27 AM
renu: i shall post today bth the charts,,, of houlry and,, eod nifty,,,to make myself clear
27 May 13, 10:33 AM
NPA: me bot 6100CE @16.75.. friends me want ur support .. plz help me for safe trade.. plz give me SL & TRG
27 May 13, 10:45 AM
NPA: admin sir.... next train kab aayegi??
27 May 13, 10:46 AM
deepakgajra: gm all
27 May 13, 10:47 AM
27 May 13, 10:54 AM
admin: not regular trains ....all are special trains ...stay at rly station 
27 May 13, 10:54 AM
27 May 13, 10:54 AM
NPA: ok sir
27 May 13, 10:55 AM
deepakgajra: hi all any view on reliance capital
27 May 13, 10:59 AM
johnny: @deepak rel capital is SHORT on rise
27 May 13, 11:00 AM
deepakgajra: ok thxx johnny sir
27 May 13, 11:01 AM
johnny: ICICIBANK SPOT - SHORTBELOW 1195 SL ABOVE 1204 TGT 1186/1177
27 May 13, 11:13 AM
27 May 13, 11:14 AM
deepakgajra: reliance good BUY abv 823
27 May 13, 11:30 AM
renu: BUY sbi @ 27
27 May 13, 11:31 AM
renu: stop 17
27 May 13, 11:32 AM
admin: chat room past historyhttp://clientsviews.blogspot.in/
27 May 13, 11:33 AM
admin: weekly sbi chart is showing that sbi is trading at medium term up trending line and at 38% fib retracement support level at 2157 ..if sbin will trade above 2157 then can be bought for positional tgts 2220 2305 2396 2576 within 6 months keep sl max 2 % if crack more than 2 % from here then we may see 1700 1650 also…
27 May 13, 11:34 AM
admin: call posted at dhanvarsha
27 May 13, 11:34 AM
admin: and sbi fired
27 May 13, 11:37 AM
NPA: SL gone @15
27 May 13, 11:38 AM
NPA: after taking my SL 6100CE is again going towards 17
27 May 13, 11:39 AM
NPA: ??
27 May 13, 11:39 AM
admin: NPA u are planning ur trades and planning ur sl then updating here what is all this ?
27 May 13, 11:42 AM
NPA: admin sir.. if u announce ur spl train i will travel with(in) ur train
27 May 13, 11:46 AM
admin: we need technically sound persons to post calls here ...no emotional trades /gut feeling/ copy paste material .....
27 May 13, 11:51 AM
NPA: k
27 May 13, 11:51 AM
NPA: admin plz delete my all post
27 May 13, 11:53 AM
renu: sbi on 5 min trend line support..wait for upmove
27 May 13, 11:54 AM
27 May 13, 11:54 AM
admin: market will move according to options players mood
27 May 13, 11:55 AM
admin: so do not lve ur money at table lock gains with sl
27 May 13, 11:56 AM
admin: be a neutral person
27 May 13, 11:56 AM
admin: neither bull nor bear by nature if want to make money
27 May 13, 12:01 PM
admin: npa ping me at yahoo
27 May 13, 12:02 PM
NPA: wait admin i m going to login
27 May 13, 12:02 PM
admin: BUY axis at 1458 sl 1444 tgt 1471
27 May 13, 12:05 PM
27 May 13, 12:07 PM
admin: sbin is ready to blast BUY as much as u can ....bindas ...keep sl of 1 % for today
27 May 13, 12:07 PM
admin: 2160 now
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