21 Sep 14, 01:43 PM
sanjay jain: jai jinendra
21 Sep 14, 01:43 PM
admin: ram ram ji |
21 Sep 14, 09:55 PM
manish j: good evening |
22 Sep 14, 07:16 AM
admin: GUD MORNING G |
22 Sep 14, 07:20 AM
admin: it was shared on Friday >>19 Sep 14, 11:27 PM [×] [o] admin: will NF open below 8080 on Monday ??? http://prntscr.com/4oc0m0 trading at 8085 now at http://dhanvarsha.in/chatroom/ now question is do u feel NF will close below 8040 today ?? |
22 Sep 14, 07:43 AM
admin: if u are holding these trades >>>19 Sep 14, 03:03 PM [×] [o] admin: BUY 0e 8150 at 46 47 and on dips 19 Sep 14, 03:06 PM [×] [o] admin:SELL nf at 8141 8154 carry SHORT 19 Sep 14, 03:09 PM [×] [o] admin: stbt 8000 ce at 141 145 19 Sep 14, 02:56 PM [×] [o] admin: SELL bnf at 16158 sl 16242 tgt 16102 16008 >>>. you are having2 optios ...either BOOK 40 nifty points 100 bnf points 20 points in pe8150 and 30 points in ce 8000 SHORT or stay in trade as per advised trailing sl ...let me know if you are holding these trades ? |
22 Sep 14, 08:07 AM
admin: Gap down opening may be there .. Increased volatility may be there due to start of expiry week Trade in NF as per levels ....read more at http://dhanvarsha.in/nifty-moved-7630-8180-one-go/ |
22 Sep 14, 09:06 AM
admin: lovely sapaney atleast for today spot at 8281 at pre open thok lo oopar agar mile moka to http://prntscr.com/4p53uz |
22 Sep 14, 09:10 AM
bibin: SELL it futures at 360 -359 sl 363 tgt 357 355 352 |
22 Sep 14, 09:10 AM
bibin: itc futures |
22 Sep 14, 09:10 AM
admin: settled to open at 8,084.45 below -37.00 points or (-0.46%) |
22 Sep 14, 09:17 AM
admin: SELL NF at / below: 8079 Targets: 8059 – 8036 – 8014 – 7991 Stoploss : 8106 |
22 Sep 14, 09:23 AM
admin: bnf traded at 16015 tgt 2 almost dn call was >> 19 Sep 14, 02:56 PM [×] [o] admin: SELLbnf at 16158 sl 16242 tgt 16102 16008 now trading at 16045 |
22 Sep 14, 09:30 AM
admin: nf traded at 8067 after SELL call at 8141 and at 8079 have u gained on those trades ? now ar 8082 |
22 Sep 14, 09:37 AM
admin: zeel trdaed at 308.35 ek dam tgt 1 ke paas .. after SELL call kailash123p@yahoo.co.in(9/22/2014 9:27:17 AM): SELL zeel f at 311.20 sl 316.20 tgt 308.20 305.10 will it hit again at new low ? http://prntscr.com/4p59hl 2500 se jiadah gain to aaya tha per lot |
22 Sep 14, 09:43 AM
bibin: SELL tata motors futures at 529-530 sl 533 tgt 524 522 518 |
22 Sep 14, 09:45 AM
daniel: hey guys |
22 Sep 14, 09:45 AM
daniel: LONG time |
22 Sep 14, 09:45 AM
daniel: went shot tin SBI Futures at 2680 |
22 Sep 14, 09:45 AM
bibin: SELL tata motors futures at cmp for above said tgt |
22 Sep 14, 09:55 AM
bibin: SELL tata global futures at 170.80 170.50 sl 172 tgt 169.50 168.30 |
22 Sep 14, 10:07 AM
bibin: tata motors 529 traded |
22 Sep 14, 10:09 AM
bibin: itc stiff sl 363 above that it can reach 370 in no time |
22 Sep 14, 10:15 AM
bibin: pair trading strategy BUY 1 lot icici 1600 call and 1 lot 1550 put in icici 16.00 rs total premium tgt 18 22 30 |
22 Sep 14, 10:15 AM
ravi n: Hi all |
22 Sep 14, 10:16 AM
admin: copper traded at 413 well below tgt call was 16 Sep 14, 09:34 PM admin: SELL copper at 430. 433 sl 435.20 tgt 426 423 417 gained 18000/- or more per lot Dhanvarshahttp://prntscr.com/4p5fcj |
22 Sep 14, 10:20 AM
bibin: SELL voltas futures at 241.30 242 sl 244 tgt 239.50 235 233.80 |
22 Sep 14, 10:26 AM
bibin: SELL tata global futures at 170.80 170.50 sl 172 tgt 169.50 168.30 22 Sep 14, 09:55 AM 169.50 traded 2.2k profit |
22 Sep 14, 10:29 AM
bibin: EXIT itc futures |
22 Sep 14, 10:29 AM
bibin: breaking out |
22 Sep 14, 10:36 AM
admin: bharti artl f traded below 410 bang on tgt call was 19 Sep 14, 02:39 PM [×] [o] admin: SELLbharti artl f at 414.35 sl 417.60 tgt 410.20 Dhanvarsha http://prntscr.com/4p5jds |
22 Sep 14, 10:54 AM
manish j: good morning sir |
22 Sep 14, 11:16 AM
admin: gm manish |
22 Sep 14, 11:18 AM
bibin: bibin: SELL voltas futures at 241.30 242 sl 244 tgt 239.50 235 233.80 22 Sep 14, 10:20 AM 238.50 traded |
22 Sep 14, 11:19 AM
admin: SELL bharti f at 414.70 sl 417.30 tgt 409.80 406 |
22 Sep 14, 11:21 AM
daniel: booked profit in SBI futures @ 2668 |
22 Sep 14, 11:32 AM
mji: hi |
22 Sep 14, 11:48 AM
admin: ce 8000 traded below 83 gained 60 or more points call was 19 Sep 14, 03:09 PM [×] [o] admin: stbt 8000 ce at 141 145http://prntscr.com/4p5t5w Dhanvarsha have u gained 60 or say 40 points atleast as its high is 104 |
22 Sep 14, 12:24 PM
admin: traded well below tgt 1 gained 3000/- or more per lot call was 22 Sep 14, 10:56 AM [×] [o] admin: SELL cil f at 346.85 sl 352.20 tgt 344.10 338.60 Dhanvarsha http://prntscr.com/4p5ysq |
22 Sep 14, 12:26 PM
admin: pandey booked 2150 i cil 1 lot >>>>Coal india booked 2150 profit ... Thanks |
22 Sep 14, 12:41 PM
manish j: sir sold bharti @415.5 |
22 Sep 14, 12:43 PM
bibin: SELL voltas futures at 241.30 241 sl 243 tgt 238.50 237 235 |
22 Sep 14, 12:50 PM
bibin: tata motors sl trriggered |
22 Sep 14, 12:50 PM
bibin: please note even if before attaining target u r at comfortable gains please BOOK it |
22 Sep 14, 12:51 PM
bibin: tata motors call gave 1.5k profit before hitting sl |
22 Sep 14, 12:55 PM
admin: EXIT from trade at sl and reenter again if trade moves in tgt direction |
22 Sep 14, 01:03 PM
bibin: SELL bank nifty futures at 16135 16140 sl 16160 tgt 16100 15990 15970 |
22 Sep 14, 01:06 PM
bibin: bank nifty sl triggered |
22 Sep 14, 01:12 PM
admin: please stay in ur trades with stop loss punched in system ...even if sl will get triggered ...and trade moves in trdae direction direction by just 0.5% you may reenter with same sl for huge gains ... but do not hold your trades beyond sl as scrip may move to any level in opposite direction ...u can see nano ...how it is firing 536 now well above 4 rupayya from sl |
22 Sep 14, 01:20 PM
admin: loss of rs 3200/- per lot on nano SHORTon tghis call 22 Sep 14, 11:47 AM [×] [o] admin:SELL tata motors f at 529 30 sl 532.60 tgt 526 >>>512 |
22 Sep 14, 01:38 PM
admin: SELL nf 8120 29 sl 8167 tgt 8102 8072 |
22 Sep 14, 02:03 PM
admin: SELL 8000 call at 136 146 sl 162 tgt 101 52 |
22 Sep 14, 02:05 PM
admin: SELL nf 8133 sl 8167 tgt 8102 8072 |
22 Sep 14, 02:07 PM
admin: BUY 8000 pe at 7.20 40 sl 5.90 tgt 9 13 intra trade |
22 Sep 14, 02:09 PM
admin: BUY 8000 pe at 7.20 40 sl 5.90 tgt 9 13 intra trade trading at 6.95 http://prntscr.com/4p6fl1 |
22 Sep 14, 02:16 PM
admin: pe 8000 trading at 6.50 BUY with sl at 5.80 intra trade either sl or some gud gains |
22 Sep 14, 02:18 PM
manish j: sl in bharti |
22 Sep 14, 02:25 PM
admin: sl in bharti triggered pls update ur losses |
22 Sep 14, 02:26 PM
manish j: 2000 |
22 Sep 14, 02:30 PM
admin: do not play without sl; order ...u may enter in trade even quite near to sl as if nf sl is 8167 u may SELL at 8166 with sl at 8167 or slightly wide say 8167 to 8171 if u are ok with 3 to 10 rs sl in nifty |
22 Sep 14, 02:30 PM
abhishek: 4200Bharti+2000BNF++1600ITC+600NF=8400 rs loss |
22 Sep 14, 02:30 PM
abhishek: |
22 Sep 14, 02:31 PM
admin: ok abhishek |
22 Sep 14, 02:37 PM
admin: sl triggered in max trades after upmove in nifty |
22 Sep 14, 02:39 PM
ram: yes sir sl hit 8167....1500/- loss |
22 Sep 14, 02:40 PM
ram: nothing to worry its ok |
22 Sep 14, 02:42 PM
admin: SELL nf oct only below 8210 sl at 8226 tgt below 8100 |
22 Sep 14, 03:00 PM
admin: BUY and carry pe8150 at 22 24 with sl below 17 |
22 Sep 14, 03:00 PM
admin: : 8100 pe addition huge oi 11 lac means expiry ****ed up by almost 100 points after todays move and put 8100 writing 8200 is still in bears griphttp://prntscr.com/4p6o9z u can expect expiry at 8100 plus minus 20 points seeing the current oi data ......plan ur options startegy seeing this |
22 Sep 14, 03:01 PM
nagendravaidya: i loaded 7500 put of 8050@15.5 good knows about settelment |
22 Sep 14, 03:02 PM
admin: stbt nf at 8224 oct or 8170 sept with max 20 points sl |
22 Sep 14, 03:03 PM
admin: stbt bnf at 16265 290 sl max 60 bnf points |
22 Sep 14, 03:15 PM
admin: BUY nano 330 e at 3.40 50 dont mis |
22 Sep 14, 03:19 PM
admin: it was expiry volatility ..as per expectations sharede in morning here ...Gap down opening may be there ..volatility may be increased due to start of expiry weekhttp://dhanvarsha.in/nifty-moved-7630-8180-one-go/ |
22 Sep 14, 03:21 PM
admin: SELL icici f at 1574 75 sl 1586 tgt 1554 1542 |
22 Sep 14, 03:27 PM
admin: stbt sbi at 2602 05 sl 2626 tgt 2564 |
22 Sep 14, 03:33 PM
admin: pe traded from 24 to 31 call was 22 Sep 14, 03:00 PM [×] [o] admin: BUY and carry pe8150 at 22 24 with sl below 17http://prntscr.com/4p6udd there was more than 25 % gain on trade if trades were traded in sense |
22 Sep 14, 03:34 PM
admin: please update ur gains losses holdings |
22 Sep 14, 03:40 PM
abhishek: 9500rs loss approx |
22 Sep 14, 04:13 PM
admin: ok abhishek |
22 Sep 14, 04:13 PM
admin: pandey gained 4000 or morehttp://prntscr.com/4p71i0
22 Sep 14, 04:20 PM
admin: auro gained 32 points or 16000/- per lot if traded twice on call >>> auro f traded below 848 after SELL advise at 865 call was 22 Sep 14, 09:24 AM [×] [o] admin: SELL auro ph f at 865 70 sl 877 tgt 856 >>>>816 http://prntscr.com/4p733q |
22 Sep 14, 04:37 PM
ravi n: Can't believe silver is below 40k |
22 Sep 14, 04:37 PM
ravi n: Support at 38700---38300 and Resistance at 40200 Three consecutive closes below 38300 will see nonstop panic till 35000---34000 mark in days to come Else it could test its resistance level of 39500---40200 |
22 Sep 14, 05:11 PM
admin: crude trdaed at 5626 call waskailash123p@yahoo.co.in (9/22/2014 10:22:56 AM): CRUDE BUY at 5584 SL BELOW 5558 ON EXPECTAION OF END OF FIFTH WAVE TGT 5628 gain more than 4000/- per lothttp://prntscr.com/4p7dy2 |
22 Sep 14, 05:20 PM
admin: nat gas traded at 235.60 after this BUYcall 22 Sep 14, 10:02 AM [×] [o] admin: BUY nat gas at 234 sl 231.80 tgt 236 gained 2500 or more per lot if bought at lower lvlhttp://prntscr.com/4p7fsp |
22 Sep 14, 07:07 PM
admin: BUY cr at 5590 5600 sl 5568 tgt 5648 5668 5700 5748 |
22 Sep 14, 07:58 PM
admin: cr oil sl triggered |
22 Sep 14, 08:07 PM
manish j: 2000 in crude |
22 Sep 14, 08:10 PM
manish j: sir aj 4000 ka loss hai |
22 Sep 14, 08:31 PM
admin: ok manish |
22 Sep 14, 08:31 PM
admin: BUY nat gas at 233 add more at 231 and 229 sl 228.70 tgt 235 237 >>>248 |
22 Sep 14, 08:39 PM
admin: BUY crat 5580 sl 5558 tgt 5605 |
22 Sep 14, 08:40 PM
admin: BUY cr oil at 5580 sl 5558 tgt 5605 |
22 Sep 14, 08:40 PM
admin: BUY cr oil at 5580 sl 5558 tgt 5605 |
22 Sep 14, 08:41 PM
admin: BUY cr oil at 5580 sl 5558 tgt 5605 agar neeche 5562 par mile to bhi le lo sl same hoga |
22 Sep 14, 08:48 PM
admin: 234.20 40 BOOK 50 % gains in ng |
22 Sep 14, 10:08 PM
admin: Oct NF which was advised to SELL at 8224 will trade at 8150 or below on Tuesday at opening bell ....cheers call was 22 Sep 14, 03:02 PM [×] [o] admin: stbt nf at 8224 oct or 8170 Sept with max 20 points sl call was posted here >>>. in real time http://dhanvarsha.in/chatroom/ |
22 Sep 14, 10:28 PM
manish j: crude sl sir |
22 Sep 14, 10:28 PM
manish j: 2000 loss |
22 Sep 14, 10:28 PM
manish j: 6000 loss sir aj |
22 Sep 14, 10:44 PM
m tiwari: good evening |
22 Sep 14, 11:02 PM
admin: close your intra trades which you are trading against margin before 11 PM ...cancel stop loss orders at 11 PM ..as brokers will close intra positions traded against margin after 11 PM ...and wild unpredicted moves may be seen due to basket orders of brokers ... and your sl may get triggered .. |
22 Sep 14, 11:45 PM
admin: Ng trading at 235.50 gaining 3000/- or more per lot call was 22 Sep 14, 08:31 PM [×] [o] admin: BUY nat gas at 233 add more at 231 and 229 sl 228.70 tgt 235 237 >>>248http://prntscr.com/4pay8j call was shared in real time at http://dhanvarsha.in/chatroom/ that is free dhanvarsha chatroom |
22 Sep 14, 11:49 PM
admin: silver traded above 39650 and gained more than 10000/- per lot call was 22 Sep 14, 05:46 PM [×] [o] admin: BUY silver at 39180 200 sl 38978 tgt 39500 39990 http://prntscr.com/4pb2ga |
23 Sep 14, 09:03 AM
admin: nifty analysed chart .trading levels and bakhat ke bol see at http://dhanvarsha.in/second-day-expiry-week/ |
23 Sep 14, 09:11 AM
admin: settled to open at 8,144.40 -1.90 (-0.02%) |
23 Sep 14, 09:13 AM
admin: pls apna apna btst stbt open par profitBOOK karo |
23 Sep 14, 09:23 AM
admin: hoping u all have booked gains in all btst stbt calls as advised ...pls update if still waiting |
23 Sep 14, 09:25 AM
murali: gm all |
23 Sep 14, 09:30 AM
admin: SELL NF at / below: 8148 Targets: 8126 – 8104 – 8081 – 8059 Stoploss : 8171 |
23 Sep 14, 09:37 AM
m tiwari: gm to all |
23 Sep 14, 09:38 AM
admin: SELL tata motors f at 538 sl 543 tgt 533 528 |
23 Sep 14, 09:41 AM
admin: SELL OCT nifty at 8199 8208 sl 8221 tgt 8172 8156 |
23 Sep 14, 09:44 AM
admin: profit booking in any trade aapka janma sidd adhikaar hai and kisi bhi trade men 2000/- se plus gain aaye pls BOOK profit or shift sl to cost |
23 Sep 14, 09:55 AM
bibin: BUY bank nifty futures at 16160 16165 sl 16120 tgt 16180 16200 16212 |
23 Sep 14, 09:56 AM
admin: tata motors gaining 2000/- rs per lot on trade ...khaya kya ?? http://prntscr.com/4pgo8bagar 1 aadmi bana sakta to aap ku nahin ??? pandeyji 1800 BOOK kar die icici se |
23 Sep 14, 09:59 AM
admin: kisi bhi trade ka gud gain kisi bhi moment par zero men ya loss men aa jaega as it is expiry week so never miss gains and never wait for target also if u are earning 1000 on options pls BOOK as ur capital at risk may be less than 10000 ..and for 10k captal ..1000 gain equals to 10 % not bad at all |
23 Sep 14, 10:02 AM
bibin: bank nifty 16160 traded |
23 Sep 14, 10:03 AM
bibin: keep strict sl in bank nifty if it zooms today only nifty make all time high |
23 Sep 14, 10:04 AM
admin: BUY cr oil at 5580 91 sl 5548 tgt 5626 5648 |
23 Sep 14, 10:07 AM
admin: pe 8150 33 to 36 plus ...have u bought 1000 or 5000 qty of it ??? |
23 Sep 14, 10:08 AM
bibin: BUY ongc futurea at 415.50 416 sl 413 tgt 417 420 |
23 Sep 14, 10:08 AM
bibin: gas price reision decision big positive for ongc |
23 Sep 14, 10:13 AM
bibin: BUY icici futures at 1569 1570 sl 1560 tgt 1578 1585 |
23 Sep 14, 10:36 AM
admin: pe 8150 at 40 plus enjoy dv |
23 Sep 14, 10:38 AM
admin: are 8150 pe to 45 aa gayi ab kya hoga nf ka |
23 Sep 14, 10:38 AM
admin: BUY to 22 par dia tha 100 % gains on capital used |
23 Sep 14, 10:42 AM
admin: BOOK 75 % gains in pe 8150 at 42 43 |
23 Sep 14, 10:48 AM
admin: NF traded at 8122 SELL advised like this 23 Sep 14, 09:30 AM [×] [o] admin: SELL NF at / below: 8148 Targets: 8126 – 8104 – 8081 – 8059 Stoploss : 8171 gained 25 points per lot update ur gains http://prntscr.com/4pgwnl |
23 Sep 14, 10:52 AM
admin: bharti pe trdaed from 3.10 to 4.40 means 1400 rs perlot gain on 3100 rs capital call was 23 Sep 14, 09:32 AM [×] [o] admin: BUY bharti 510 pe at 3.10 sl 1 tgt 5 8 http://prntscr.com/4pgx9f |
23 Sep 14, 11:08 AM
admin: traded above 45 call was 22 Sep 14, 03:00 PM [×] [o] admin: BUY and carry pe8150 at 22 24 with sl below 17 http://prntscr.com/4pgz39 so we can say gained 100% of capital used within 18 Hrs of holding aur kitti dhanvarsha hona wo bhi free chat room se call was shared here at real timehttp://dhanvarsha.in/chatroom/ |
23 Sep 14, 11:18 AM
admin: as said many times u may BOOK many times and enter in trade as many times as u can till trading above planned sl even u can BUY above 10 20 paisa of sl and keep same sl risk will be almost zero and if rewarded it will be many folds lot size 1000 traded at 2.20 sl was 1.80 later traded at 3.60 now trading at 3 BUY is active with sl at 1.80http://prntscr.com/4ph0uy kuch to seekho ...daro mat if risk is zero then jump in trade |
23 Sep 14, 11:33 AM
admin: kaan se goli nikal gayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee icici f traded at 1562.75 tgt missed by just 75 paisa call was 23 Sep 14, 09:35 AM [×] [o] admin: SELL icici f at 1582 sl 1596 tgt 1562 1542 gained 4500/- or more per lot on call Dhanvarsha premium msghttp://prntscr.com/4ph317 |
23 Sep 14, 12:01 PM
admin: 3 trade 3000 wali every time gained 1000/- so total gain on every lot 3000/- have u gained 3k on it ?? 1200 se jiadah per lot gain aaya kya is call par 23 Sep 14, 10:29 AM [×] [o] admin: BUY pe 330 at 2.70 3.00 sl 1.70 tgt 3.95 4.90 bang on tgt 1 traded at 4 http://prntscr.com/4ph6sh |
23 Sep 14, 12:03 PM
abhishek: gained 3000rs call was: BUY pe 530 at 2.70 3.00 sl 1.70 tgt 3.95 4.90 |
23 Sep 14, 12:05 PM
admin: gud abhishek |
23 Sep 14, 12:21 PM
admin: SELL hdfc f at 1068 sl 1084 tgt 1061 1032 invite ur friends to join dhanvarsha at fbhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/419358211508503/ or at free chat roomhttp://dhanvarsha.in/chatroom/ |
23 Sep 14, 12:22 PM
ram: i holding nifty fut SELL call |
23 Sep 14, 12:23 PM
admin: have u not booked at tgt 1 ram ? |
23 Sep 14, 12:27 PM
admin: SELL sun ph f at 801 sl 813 tgt 792 762 remember if 792 will breach with volumes then may move to 762 trade with sl as mkt may move any where towards sl also |
23 Sep 14, 12:36 PM
ram: kr liya tha fir up aayi to again sort @8141 nd hold it |
23 Sep 14, 12:37 PM
admin: 20000/- per lot ka move tata motor ne dia .... nano traded at 533.25 tgt 1 almost dn gained more than 5000/- per lot kon hai wo trader who have gained 5000/- or more on this call >>> 23 Sep 14, 09:38 AM [×] [o] admin: SELL tata motors f at 538 sl 543 tgt 533 528 Dhanvarsha of 5000or more per lot http://prntscr.com/4phcah |
23 Sep 14, 12:45 PM
admin: bnf gained 200 or more points call was 23 Sep 14, 09:28 AM [×] [o] admin: SELL bnf at 16209 sl 16286 tgt 16154 16054 yesterdays stbt was also there SELL at 16260 280 hua na 200 points http://prntscr.com/4phddk low made 16075 kal wala call >>> 22 Sep 14, 03:03 PM [×] [o] admin: stbt bnf at 16265 290 sl max 60 bnf points yeha bhi tha http://dhanvarsha.in/chatroom/ |
23 Sep 14, 12:58 PM
admin: SELL bnf at 16115 148 sl 16162 tgt 16032 15945 |
23 Sep 14, 01:12 PM
admin: bharti artl f traded at409.05 gained 4000/- per lot call was 23 Sep 14, 09:30 AM [×] [o] admin: SELL bharti f at 413 414 sl 418 .60 tgt 409 407 http://prntscr.com/4phhra |
23 Sep 14, 01:19 PM
saaketa: sun pharma 796 |
23 Sep 14, 01:19 PM
saaketa: good call |
23 Sep 14, 01:19 PM
saaketa: booked 4 rs |
23 Sep 14, 01:21 PM
admin: i dont feel this chat room deserving for my calls as response in only 2 to 4 % |
23 Sep 14, 01:21 PM
admin: do u feel i should share my calls here ? |
23 Sep 14, 01:21 PM
admin: as only saaketa and ram responded |
23 Sep 14, 01:22 PM
saaketa: sir u rdoing great job by educating us |
23 Sep 14, 01:22 PM
saaketa: giving timely calls |
23 Sep 14, 01:23 PM
admin: saketa i dont know who u are |
23 Sep 14, 01:23 PM
admin: will u call me or ping me at my any id |
23 Sep 14, 01:25 PM
m tiwari: bnf rocking sir |
23 Sep 14, 01:26 PM
admin: tiwqari ji mera mail mila |
23 Sep 14, 01:26 PM
m tiwari: ys sir |
23 Sep 14, 01:26 PM
m tiwari: sir today evening i will call u for other query |
23 Sep 14, 01:27 PM
admin: have u taken print out
23 Sep 14, 01:27 PM
m tiwari: ys |
23 Sep 14, 01:27 PM
admin: u can call me now |
23 Sep 14, 01:27 PM
m tiwari: ok sir |
23 Sep 14, 01:27 PM
saaketa: sir sure |
23 Sep 14, 01:28 PM
m tiwari: call at evening sir |
23 Sep 14, 01:29 PM
saaketa: after market hrs i will call |
23 Sep 14, 01:31 PM
ram: i EXIT nifty fut SELL call @8105 good call |
23 Sep 14, 01:32 PM
ram: BOOK 20+40= 60 point in nifty SELL call |
23 Sep 14, 01:38 PM
admin: nat gas gaining 3000 or more per lot onBUY call enjoy dhanvarsha 237.50 now |
23 Sep 14, 01:45 PM
admin: nat gas traded above 238.80 call was 22 Sep 14, 08:31 PM [×] [o] admin: BUY nat gas at 233 add more at 231 and 229 sl 228.70 tgt 235 237 >>>248 http://prntscr.com/4phmo7 gaied 8000/- or more kya ye dhanvarsha hai ??? call to yehin thahttp://dhanvarsha.in/chatroom/ |
23 Sep 14, 01:46 PM
m tiwari: sun pharma do his job |
23 Sep 14, 01:47 PM
admin: really ? |
23 Sep 14, 01:55 PM
admin: 8044 traded all tgts dn call was 23 Sep 14, 09:30 AM [×] [o] admin: SELL NF at / below: 8148 Targets: 8126 – 8104 – 8081 – 8059 Stoploss : 8171 http://prntscr.com/4phoue gain 100 nf points at 1 go 5000/- rs per lot |
23 Sep 14, 02:02 PM
admin: sun ph traded at 787 call was 23 Sep 14, 12:27 PM [×] [o] admin: SELL sun ph f at 801 sl 813 tgt 792 762 remember if 792 will breach with volumes then may move to 762 trade with sl as mkt may move any where towards sl also gained 5000/- or more per lot |
23 Sep 14, 02:10 PM
admin: BHEL f traded at 215.75 lot size 2000 gained more than 6 points or 12000/- per lot on this premium call 23 Sep 14, 12:30 PM [×] [o] admin:SELL bhel f at 222.35 sl 226.10 tgt 220.10 215.20http://prntscr.com/4phrna |
23 Sep 14, 02:19 PM
balaji: again sun pharma rocked made 5k profit thanks sir |
23 Sep 14, 02:20 PM
balaji: 800 pe from 11 to 21 gained |
23 Sep 14, 03:15 PM
ravi n: i m with commodity market admin |
23 Sep 14, 03:17 PM
admin: who is commo admin ? |
23 Sep 14, 03:19 PM
ravi n: i m with commodity market, admin |
23 Sep 14, 03:21 PM
ravi n: i watch commo calls |
23 Sep 14, 03:21 PM
ravi n: here i see more of nse calls |
23 Sep 14, 03:23 PM
admin: please BOOK maximum ur SHORTpositions which are at bumper gains |
23 Sep 14, 03:28 PM
admin: auro ph gained more than 45k on trade traded well below 810 call was 22 Sep 14, 09:24 AM admin: SELL auro ph f at 865 70 sl 877 tgt 856 >>>>816 SELL is on from 894 with sl above 899 so 3 din men 45000/- per lot kabhi socha ???http://prntscr.com/4pi5jx |
23 Sep 14, 03:30 PM
admin: please update ur gains losses and holdings |
23 Sep 14, 03:32 PM
saaketa: gained 2000 in sun pharma as i most of the time went out |
23 Sep 14, 03:34 PM
admin: only saaketa and none |
23 Sep 14, 03:36 PM
balaji: me already informed made 5k in sunpharma |
23 Sep 14, 03:37 PM
admin: ok balaji gud |
23 Sep 14, 03:37 PM
admin: so as per u it is gud place then paid tipsters |
23 Sep 14, 03:37 PM
balaji: yes |
23 Sep 14, 03:37 PM
admin: coz u picked 2 3 gud trades in last few sessions |
23 Sep 14, 03:38 PM
balaji: s two times sun pharma both times 5k |
23 Sep 14, 03:38 PM
admin: as in auro nat gas and in sun |
23 Sep 14, 03:38 PM
balaji: ng in com yes now LONG asper ur crude level |
23 Sep 14, 03:38 PM
admin: once u gained in auro also |
23 Sep 14, 03:38 PM
ravi n: Silver Gained 480 rs |
23 Sep 14, 03:38 PM
balaji: s |
23 Sep 14, 03:39 PM
balaji: today nifty too i gained 3k |
23 Sep 14, 08:03 PM
admin: cruded traded at 5638 gained more than 4000/- per lot twice calls were 1. 23 Sep 14, 10:04 AM [×] [o] admin: BUY cr oil at 5580 91 sl 5548 tgt 5626 5648 2. 23 Sep 14, 07:33 PM [×] [o] admin:BUY cr at 5591 5600 sl 5564 tgt 5625 5649http://prntscr.com/4pk2h4 do call ka hua 8000/- kya aapne 4k bhi lia ?? |
23 Sep 14, 08:47 PM
admin: Oct Nifty futures traded below 8080 call was 22 Sep 14, 02:42 PM admin: SELL nf oct only below 8210 sl at 8226 tgt below 8100 140 or more points gained on this single call Dhanvarshahttp://prntscr.com/4pkdxd aur bhi the additional calls >>>> 22 Sep 14, 03:02 PM admin: stbt nf at 8224 oct or 8170 sept with max 20 points sl and see more ,,,call passed today also ki koi miss na ho jae 23 Sep 14, 09:41 AM admin: SELL OCT nifty at 8199 8208 sl 8221 tgt 8172 8156 call was here at free chat room Dhanvarshahttp://dhanvarsha.in/chatroom/ join now ...why are u hesitating |
23 Sep 14, 09:08 PM
raman: thanks sir |
23 Sep 14, 09:08 PM
admin: wc |
23 Sep 14, 09:09 PM
raman: please let me know the terms sir |
23 Sep 14, 09:10 PM
admin: pls see herehttp://clientsviews.blogspot.in/2010/02/professional-charges-and-bankrs-details.html |
23 Sep 14, 09:28 PM
brahmanand pandey: any reco for couper ?? |
23 Sep 14, 10:55 PM
admin: silver gained 700 points on trade means 21000/- per lot ki dhanvarsha call was 23 Sep 14, 01:16 PM [×] [o] admin: BUY silver at 39200 sl 38944 tgt 39480 39890 aaya maza?http://prntscr.com/4plnzb |
23 Sep 14, 11:04 PM
admin: close your intra trades which you are trading against margin before 11 PM ...cancel stop loss orders at 11 PM ..as brokers will close intra positions traded against margin after 11 PM ...and wild unpredicted moves may be seen due to basket orders of brokers ... and your sl may get triggered .. |
24 Sep 14, 08:58 AM
admin: Trade in NF as per these levels BUY at / above: 8055 Targets: 8073 - 8095 - 8118 - 8140 Stoploss : 8032 SELL at / below: 8032 Targets: 8014 - 7991 - 7969 - 7947 Stoploss : 8055 |
24 Sep 14, 09:12 AM
gurinder: gm |
24 Sep 14, 09:14 AM
admin: hi sir gm |
24 Sep 14, 09:14 AM
admin: how are u doing ?? |
24 Sep 14, 09:19 AM
admin: BOOK full gains in 8000 ce at 51 52 SELLadvised at 175 |
24 Sep 14, 09:22 AM
admin: SELL bnf at 15926 sl sl 16054 tgt 15760 15517 |
24 Sep 14, 09:22 AM
admin: SELL NF at / below: 8032 Targets: 8014 - 7991 - 7969 - 7947 Stoploss : 8055 |
24 Sep 14, 09:42 AM
admin: SELL sbin in cash at 2564 78 sl 2592 tgt 2542 2521 |
24 Sep 14, 09:43 AM
gurinder: gm |
24 Sep 14, 09:44 AM
admin: hi |
24 Sep 14, 09:44 AM
admin: so finally u won |
24 Sep 14, 09:44 AM
gurinder: now loged in |
24 Sep 14, 09:45 AM
admin: you can BUY any where above sl even at 1 Re or 50 paisa above sl and go SHORT any where below sl ...Call will be active only for 5 mins after call delivery ...If you will enter far from sl loss will be more in case of sl triggering..If you will try to enter near sl ....trade missing chances will increase... so decision is yours when and at what level to enter in trade ... |
24 Sep 14, 09:45 AM
admin: example is NF |
24 Sep 14, 09:50 AM
admin: see increased volatility and bearish waves too 8035 to to 8017 then 8049 to 8022 15 se 20 NF points on each SHORT trade not bad at all karke dekhen http://prntscr.com/4prwju |
24 Sep 14, 09:51 AM
bibin: BUY ongc futures at 406 405.50 sl 403 tgt 408 410 415 420 |
24 Sep 14, 09:52 AM
bibin: be careful while shorting cairn india reliance ongc |
24 Sep 14, 09:52 AM
bibin: gase price reision decision today stocks will zoom in case of favourable result |
24 Sep 14, 09:52 AM
bibin: minimum 50 percent hike is anticipated |
24 Sep 14, 09:53 AM
bibin: if it comes reliance will zoom to 1040 levels in 2 to 3 trading session |
24 Sep 14, 09:55 AM
bibin: massive call writing at 980 can touch 985 995 if gase hike comes into effect |
24 Sep 14, 09:55 AM
bibin: make in india modi campaign tommorow us visit |
24 Sep 14, 09:55 AM
bibin: news overshadows tehnicals |
24 Sep 14, 09:58 AM
bibin: BUY 980 call at cmp reliance at 4.30 5 no sl take risk if u consider that money gone |
24 Sep 14, 09:58 AM
bibin: tgt can be massive 10 14 22 |
24 Sep 14, 09:59 AM
admin: SELL itc f at 375.45 376.60 sl 377.20 tgt 369 365 small sl possibility of big gains |
24 Sep 14, 10:00 AM
bibin:http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/cnbctv18-comments/sc-refuses-to-stay-possible-gas-price-hike-_1182681.html |
24 Sep 14, 10:03 AM
bibin: http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/market-outlook/market-awaiting-gas-price-hike-bullishongc-antique_1183361.html |
24 Sep 14, 10:09 AM
gurinder: bot 980 ce at 3.75 |
24 Sep 14, 10:10 AM
admin: BUY ITC 370 pe at0. 80 0. 90 sl at ur choice tgt 4 > 7 >>18 |
24 Sep 14, 10:14 AM
admin: bharti traded below 396 gained 10000/- per lot within 20 minutes of trade call was 24 Sep 14, 09:18 AM [×] [o] admin: SELL bharti f at 406 08 sl 412.60 tgt 401 394 http://prntscr.com/4ps0fb bharti ko we are selling from 418 |
24 Sep 14, 10:23 AM
admin: 2 tgts dn in nf gained 50 plus points hope u all are glad here
24 Sep 14, 10:25 AM
saaketa: nifty good call sir |
24 Sep 14, 10:30 AM
admin: saaaketa wo sham kab aayegi ? |
24 Sep 14, 10:34 AM
saaketa: sir i am busy with office work |
24 Sep 14, 10:34 AM
saaketa: today i will call definetly |
24 Sep 14, 10:34 AM
admin: are u not having yahoo or gmail id ? |
24 Sep 14, 10:39 AM
admin: nf traded fron 8035 to 8017 then 8049 to 7987 as per dhanvarsha gained 70 NF points on this call 24 Sep 14, 09:22 AM [×] [o] admin: SELLNF at / below: 8032 Targets: 8014 - 7991 - 7969 - 7947 Stoploss : 8055 how much u have gained 10 20 30 40 ??? or 70 ? ya not traded as u were looking towards 8200 http://prntscr.com/4ps4c2 |
24 Sep 14, 10:39 AM
bibin: yes as i said no sl |
24 Sep 14, 10:39 AM
bibin: for reliance 980 ce consider that amount as lost |
24 Sep 14, 10:42 AM
admin: it is advised that please post ur calls with sl or leave it to traders that where they want to place sl butt i dont feel this is fair to post that forget ur money ?? |
24 Sep 14, 10:43 AM
admin: or think like that ur money is lost |
24 Sep 14, 10:43 AM
bibin: gurinder if you are profit consious u canBOOK reliance 980 ce at cmp |
24 Sep 14, 10:43 AM
bibin: sir what i meant was avoiding prematureEXIT |
24 Sep 14, 10:43 AM
gurinder: booked a bit early at 4 |
24 Sep 14, 10:44 AM
bibin: if i had given at 3 as sl it would have triggered |
24 Sep 14, 10:45 AM
admin: u can pass sl modification order but do not rule out chat room rules pls |
24 Sep 14, 10:46 AM
bibin: ok sir |
24 Sep 14, 10:47 AM
bibin: done |
24 Sep 14, 10:54 AM
admin: bnf traded well below 100 points hope u have booked 50 % gains at least if not bookedBOOK 50 % at 15877 |
24 Sep 14, 11:07 AM
ram: BUY 3 lot itc 370put@ 0.75 |
24 Sep 14, 11:34 AM
kamal: namste |
24 Sep 14, 11:35 AM
admin: namaste kamal |
24 Sep 14, 11:36 AM
admin: kamal ji aap sahi jagah par aaiye ..... yehan http://tipsncalls.blogspot.com/ |
24 Sep 14, 11:36 AM
m tiwari: good morning sir |
24 Sep 14, 11:41 AM
kamal: good morning sir |
24 Sep 14, 11:45 AM
24 Sep 14, 11:49 AM
admin: sat sree akal ji |
24 Sep 14, 11:59 AM
bhatia: SIR COPPER 417 |
24 Sep 14, 11:59 AM
admin: ok BOOK gains |
24 Sep 14, 11:59 AM
admin: kitta BOOK |
24 Sep 14, 11:59 AM
admin: call to kal se active hai |
24 Sep 14, 12:05 PM
bibin: those whou have bought reliance 980 call can BOOK at cmp if profit consious |
24 Sep 14, 12:09 PM
bibin: reliance has call writing till 1000 do big players know that gas hike is faourable for reliance |
24 Sep 14, 12:47 PM
bibin: BUY icici bank futures at 1533 1534 sl 1525 tgt 1540 1544 1550 |
24 Sep 14, 01:01 PM
bibin: icici 1540 traded bibin: BUY icici bank futures at 1533 1534 sl 1525 tgt 1540 1544 1550 |
24 Sep 14, 01:22 PM
bibin: BUY tata motors futures at 511 510.70 sl 508 tgt 513 515 518 |
24 Sep 14, 01:22 PM
bibin: 510.75 traded |
24 Sep 14, 01:24 PM
bibin: ur free to BOOK profit whenever you get 1k profit in it |
24 Sep 14, 01:28 PM
gurinder: itc put sud we hold till tommorow |
24 Sep 14, 01:33 PM
admin: see holding is not bad but better is EXITat sl u may reenter again if it will move up |
24 Sep 14, 01:35 PM
admin: u can place sl BUY above 85 paisa with sl at 65 if exited at sl rest is upto U |
24 Sep 14, 01:52 PM
ram: i also holding itc put |
24 Sep 14, 01:59 PM
admin: ram as per me sl was 0.65 and it has been triggered yes u can BUY again above 0.85 with sl at 0.65 0.55 but do not hold till zero on hope |
24 Sep 14, 02:09 PM
admin: nifty dooba |
24 Sep 14, 02:11 PM
balaji: bank nifty SHORT rocked thanks |
24 Sep 14, 02:14 PM
admin: sbin traded at 2512 well below of tgt 2 call was 24 Sep 14, 09:42 AM [×] [o] admin: SELLsbin in cash at 2564 78 sl 2592 tgt 2542 2521http://prntscr.com/4pt1k0 |
24 Sep 14, 02:19 PM
admin: bnf traded below 15686 gained 600 bnf points SELL active from 16264 280 todays call was 24 Sep 14, 09:22 AM [×] [o] admin: SELL bnf at 15926 sl sl 16054 tgt 15760 15517http://i.imgur.com/a9mYtsf.png |
24 Sep 14, 02:27 PM
admin: 7959 traded call was 24 Sep 14, 09:22 AM [×] [o] admin: SELL NF at / below: 8032 Targets: 8014 - 7991 - 7969 - 7947 Stoploss : 8055 gained 90 points http://prntscr.com/4pt3al |
24 Sep 14, 02:42 PM
balaji: coal verdict effect mkt volatile |
24 Sep 14, 02:50 PM
ravi n: Silver bought @ 39280 SL 39220 TGT 39480 |
24 Sep 14, 03:09 PM
kamal: good afternoon sir, |
24 Sep 14, 03:09 PM
kamal: sir any call for commodities |
24 Sep 14, 03:19 PM
ravi n: Silver now @ 340 |
24 Sep 14, 03:29 PM
admin: no btst or stbt as we are expecting that nifty may settle at 8000 plus minus 30 points tomorrow |
24 Sep 14, 03:49 PM
admin: have u gained 34 points in hdfc or 10 or 6 or zero have a look bazaar ki maaya .... call was 24 Sep 14, 09:41 AM [×] [o] admin: SELL hdfc f at 1056 sl 1072 tgt 1048 1032 traded below 1042 thus gained 14 points but ended at 1058 above SELLadvise means gains either 3500/- per lot or zero how much u have gained ??http://prntscr.com/4pti13 |
24 Sep 14, 04:06 PM
ravi n: sl changed to 39260 |
24 Sep 14, 04:29 PM
admin: BUY nat gas at 233 231 sl 228.70 tgt 235 237 239 trading at 233 |
24 Sep 14, 04:47 PM
admin: BUY nat gas at 232.30 231 sl 228.70 tgt 235 237 239 trading at 232.40 |
24 Sep 14, 04:51 PM
ravi n: Silver SL done |
24 Sep 14, 04:53 PM
ravi n: 850 rs loss booked |
24 Sep 14, 04:58 PM
admin: 850 how ravi ? |
24 Sep 14, 04:59 PM
admin: 245 - 248 indian mkt level ..planned BUYin ng based on up trend linehttp://prntscr.com/4ptvkz if worked it may hit 245 also |
24 Sep 14, 05:15 PM
ravi n: 600 + Brokerage Charges |
24 Sep 14, 07:03 PM
admin: 110 points fall in sbin after selll call >>> call was >> sbin traded at 2455 well below tgt 2 call was 24 Sep 14, 09:42 AM [×] [o] admin: SELLsbin in cash at 2564 78 sl 2592 tgt 2542 2521 Dhanvarsha http://prntscr.com/4pusan aapne kitta kamaya |
24 Sep 14, 08:43 PM
admin: Ng traded at 234.90 from 231.50 call was 24 Sep 14, 04:47 PM [×] [o] admin: BUY nat gas at 232.30 231 sl 228.70 tgt 235 237 239 trading at 232.40 gained more than 2500/- per lothttp://prntscr.com/4pvnxh |
24 Sep 14, 08:44 PM
admin: Ng traded at 234.90 from 231.50 call was 24 Sep 14, 04:47 PM [×] [o] admin: BUY nat gas at 232.30 231 sl 228.70 tgt 235 237 239 trading at 232.40 gained more than 2500/- per lothttp://prntscr.com/4pvnxh call was posted in real time at http://dhanvarsha.in/chatroom/ |
24 Sep 14, 09:22 PM
admin: rel pe 1020 traded at 43.65 after SELL call call was 24 Sep 14, 10:44 AM [×] [o] admin: SELLrel 1020 pe at 50.50 sl 57 tgt 42 32 tgt missed by 1.65 but gained 12 points 55 to 43 means 3000/- rs per lot if booked at 44http://prntscr.com/4pw0zt |
24 Sep 14, 09:27 PM
admin: 5620 traded bang on tgt call was 24 Sep 14, 08:39 PM [×] [o] admin: BUY cr oil at 5585 94 sl 5558 tgt 5619 http://prntscr.com/4pw2s4 gain hua 3000/- per lot se bhi jiadah kamaya kya ?? |
24 Sep 14, 09:35 PM
admin: 5642 traded gained 4000/- per lot call was 24 Sep 14, 07:23 PM [×] [o] admin: BUY cr on dips at 5602 5581 sl below 5558 tgt 5628 5648http://prntscr.com/4pw5ix |
24 Sep 14, 10:11 PM
admin: 1062.90 traded bang on tgt 1 call was 24 Sep 14, 09:04 PM [×] [o] admin: BUY ni at 1048 45 sl 1037 tgt 1059 1068 3000/- or more per lot gain in few hrs Dhanvarshahttp://i.imgur.com/0rpU9wx.png |
24 Sep 14, 10:18 PM
admin: 4000/- or more per lot gained traded above 236.40 call was 24 Sep 14, 07:11 PM [×] [o] admin: BUY ng at 233 234 sl 231.20 tgt 235. 237 239 Dhanvarsha http://prntscr.com/4pwj07 |
25 Sep 14, 06:38 AM
admin: gm expiry day u will see increased volatility today ..please square off all ur Sept F&O contracts before 3.30 PM today have a gr8 day |
25 Sep 14, 06:51 AM
admin: huge build up at 8100 call and 8000 calls indicating that nifty may close at 7980 plus minus 30 http://prntscr.com/4q1r95 stay at chat room during market hours for more real time updateshttp://dhanvarsha.in/chatroom/ |
25 Sep 14, 07:04 AM
admin: huge build up at 8100 call and 8000 calls indicating that nifty may close at 7980 plus minus 30 http://prntscr.com/4q1r95 stay at chat room during market hours for more real time updateshttp://dhanvarsha.in/chatroom/ icici F traded below 1502 from 1582 >>>gained 80 points or 20000/- Rs per lot calls were 1. 23 Sep 14, 09:35 AM admin:SELL icici f at 1582 sl 1596 tgt 1562 1542 2. 23 Sep 14, 01:20 PM [×] [o] admin: SELL icici f at 1560 sl 1572 tgt 1546 1532http://prntscr.com/4q1v5c Dhanvarsha |
25 Sep 14, 07:57 AM
admin: Trade in Oct NF as per these levels BUYat / above: 8104 Targets: 8119 - 8142 - 8163 - 8186 Stoploss : 8084 SELL at / below: 8084 Targets: 8059- 8036 - 8014 - 7991 Stoploss : 8104 charts will disply always in traders favor ...bole to jo dekhana chaho wo hi dikhega i m seeing bearish move http://prntscr.com/4q28ba |
25 Sep 14, 08:53 AM
admin: SELL Oct Nf at / below: 8084 Targets: 8059- 8036 – 8014 – 7991 Stoploss : 8104 |
25 Sep 14, 09:17 AM
admin: BUY 8050 pe at 32 37 sl 24 tgt 50 70 |
25 Sep 14, 09:18 AM
murali: gm all |
25 Sep 14, 09:21 AM
murali: sir your 8050 call active sir |
25 Sep 14, 09:21 AM
murali: put call active sir |
25 Sep 14, 09:25 AM
admin: murali if sl is not triggered means call is active
25 Sep 14, 09:37 AM
admin: SELL hdfc f at 1059 sl 1071.20 tgt 1051 1042 |
25 Sep 14, 09:41 AM
admin: SELL Oct Nf at / below: 8054 Targets: 8036 – 8014 – 7991 Stoploss : 8076 |
25 Sep 14, 09:43 AM
admin: 8050 pe is trading at 53 BOOK 50 % gains add more on dips upto 44 keep sl at 38 |
25 Sep 14, 09:58 AM
admin: 20 rupaiyya on invested amount of 38 only >>>>> traded at 58 gaining 20 points at this option call was 25 Sep 14, 09:17 AM [×] [o] admin: BUY8050 pe at 32 37 sl 24 tgt 50 70http://prntscr.com/4q2xdr only in 30 mins ye dhanvarsha hai |
25 Sep 14, 10:01 AM
murali: excellent call sir nifty |
25 Sep 14, 10:03 AM
admin: pls update ur gains |
25 Sep 14, 10:04 AM
admin: 5678 BOOK full gains in crude BUY call |
25 Sep 14, 10:16 AM
admin: BUY LT f at 1474 sl 1458 tgt 1488 1509 |
25 Sep 14, 10:17 AM
bibin: BUY tata global futures at 162.80 163 sl 161.50 tgt 163.50 164 |
25 Sep 14, 10:21 AM
bibin: BUY tata motors futures at 510 sl 508 tgt 512 514 |
25 Sep 14, 10:22 AM
admin: keep tsl for 8050 pe at 47.90 BUY above 49 and BOOK gains at 5 to 8 rs tgtts on each swing sl 47.90 now trading at 57 call was 25 Sep 14, 09:17 AM [×] [o] admin: BUY 8050 pe at 32 37 sl 24 tgt 50 70 |
25 Sep 14, 10:22 AM
bibin: BUY icici future at 1491 sl 1485 tgt 1500 1510 1520 |
25 Sep 14, 10:26 AM
admin: SELL hdfc f at 1062 64 sl 1071.20 tgt 1051 1042 |
25 Sep 14, 10:30 AM
admin: 70 dn pe 8050 BUY gain on dips at 62 64 sl 59 |
25 Sep 14, 10:36 AM
ram: BUY l&t fut @1471 sir |
25 Sep 14, 10:40 AM
admin: trading below 50 points ...from day high advised to nifty at open 25 Sep 14, 08:53 AM [×] [o] admin: SELL Oct Nf at / below: 8084 Targets: 8059- 8036 – 8014 – 7991 Stoploss : 8104 at 8.53 AM then at 9.41 am 25 Sep 14, 09:41 AM [×] [o] admin: SELL Oct Nf at / below: 8054 Targets: 8036 – 8014 – 7991 Stoploss : 8076 ye to dhanvarsha hi hai http://prntscr.com/4q34f7 |
25 Sep 14, 10:42 AM
bibin: tata global sl triggered |
25 Sep 14, 10:48 AM
admin: SELL Oct Nf at / below: 8028 Targets: 8014 – 7991 Stoploss : 8042 |
25 Sep 14, 10:52 AM
admin: SELL hdfc f at 1054 sl 1066.60 tgt 1051 1042 |
25 Sep 14, 10:53 AM
admin: SELL hdfc f at 1052 sl 1060.60 tgt 1042 1032 |
25 Sep 14, 11:26 AM
admin: BOOK full gains in nifty SHORT and pe 8050 ...and update gains |
25 Sep 14, 11:27 AM
kamal: good morning sir |
25 Sep 14, 11:28 AM
admin: hi kamal |
25 Sep 14, 11:30 AM
kamal: sir kal 200/- rs earn kiye 120 cut k 80/- rs credet balance me aye |
25 Sep 14, 11:30 AM
raj a: BUY NG @ 235.5 Tgt 238.5 Sl 233.5 |
25 Sep 14, 11:32 AM
admin: 8005 traded last call was 25 Sep 14, 10:48 AM [×] [o] admin: SELL Oct Nf at / below: 8028 Targets: 8014 – 7991 Stoploss : 8042 so gained 65 or more NF points yehi kaha bhi tha ...in morninghttp://prntscr.com/4q3c7r see ur self what was shared kailash123p@yahoo.co.in (9/25/2014 8:41:28 AM): nifty ko open par hi thoko 8080 se 8090 99 ke bich sl 8108 tgt 20 se leke 80 points tak |
25 Sep 14, 11:34 AM
admin: BUY sbin in cash at 2440 sl 2418 tgt 2469 2497 |
25 Sep 14, 11:35 AM
kamal: sir any call for me under rs 4300/- in comodities |
25 Sep 14, 11:41 AM
admin: BUY dlf 160 call at 0.70 1.05 sl 35 tgt 1.90 3 5 |
25 Sep 14, 12:00 PM
admin: BUY sept NF at 7962 7974 sl 7948 tgt 7998 |
25 Sep 14, 12:03 PM
admin: 8000 captured by bearshttp://prntscr.com/4q3gl7 expect expiry below 8005 |
25 Sep 14, 12:19 PM
m tiwari: sbin sl hit |
25 Sep 14, 12:20 PM
kamal: pls. sir koi call bata dijiye |
25 Sep 14, 12:27 PM
admin: kamal u must ask herehttp://tipsncalls.blogspot.com/ |
25 Sep 14, 12:28 PM
admin: u are not suppose to ask here at this chat room ...stay at premium chatroom |
25 Sep 14, 12:31 PM
bibin: BUY tata motors futures at 505 504.50 sl 503 tgt 506 508 |
25 Sep 14, 12:34 PM
admin: cil pe 360 traded at 8.25 gained 4000/- per lot or more call was 25 Sep 14, 09:28 AM [×] [o] admin: BUY coal india pe 360 at 3.50 4 sl 1.80 tgt 5 9 http://prntscr.com/4q3l64 |
25 Sep 14, 12:35 PM
bibin: BUY ongc futures at 402 401.50 sl 400 tgt 405 408 |
25 Sep 14, 12:36 PM
bibin: tatat motors futures 506.40 any one want toBOOK please BOOK |
25 Sep 14, 12:36 PM
bibin: cool 1 k plus gain |
25 Sep 14, 12:39 PM
bibin: if u want to BOOK profit of 1k please BOOKbindaas market will again give chance to enter at lows |
25 Sep 14, 12:40 PM
bibin: told to BOOK at 50.40 now nearing 505 |
25 Sep 14, 12:42 PM
bibin: keep tata motors BUY order again at 405 40.4.50 for tgt 406 407 |
25 Sep 14, 12:42 PM
bibin: ongc sl triggered |
25 Sep 14, 12:43 PM
bibin: next BUY zone for ongc is 385 |
25 Sep 14, 12:44 PM
bibin: tata motors 504.50 traded again |
25 Sep 14, 12:46 PM
bibin: BUY lic housing finance futures at 302.50 303 sl 398 tgt 305 308 |
25 Sep 14, 12:49 PM
bibin: 506 traded once again |
25 Sep 14, 12:49 PM
bibin: two times trade gave profit of 3k |
25 Sep 14, 12:53 PM
bibin: once breaches 506.50 next tgt 508 |
25 Sep 14, 01:01 PM
admin: again cil pe gain 100% see here 25 Sep 14, 11:38 AM [×] [o] admin: BUY coal india pe 360 at 3.50 4 sl 1.80 tgt 5 9 trading at 8 4000 ke ban gaye 8000/- Dhanvarsha http://prntscr.com/4q3p8l |
25 Sep 14, 01:03 PM
bibin: BUY cairn india futures at 309.30 309 sl 307 tgt 311 14 15 |
25 Sep 14, 01:08 PM
bibin: lic housing finance futures BOOK full profit at cmp 304 304.50 for 1k plus gain |
25 Sep 14, 01:13 PM
bibin: 25 Sep 14, 12:31 PM bibin: BUY tata motors futures at 505 504.50 sl 503 tgt 506 508 508 tgt achieved 3k gain |
25 Sep 14, 01:15 PM
bibin: cairn india futures close position at cmp atBUY cost |
25 Sep 14, 01:17 PM
bibin: BUY power grid futures at 136.20 136. sl 134 136.80 139.50 |
25 Sep 14, 01:22 PM
admin: BUY nifty 7950 ce at 16 18 sl 13 tgt 23 29 |
25 Sep 14, 01:30 PM
admin: coal india traded at 351.35 bang on tgt 2 call was 25 Sep 14, 09:16 AM [×] [o] admin: SELLcoal india in cash at 359 60 sl 363.60 tgt 256 352 >>>>341 gained khalis 9 rs or almost 2.5 % x 9 % gain as you are trading at 9 x margin so gain will be 22% man gaye dhanvarsha ki cash call ko http://prntscr.com/4q3tqx |
25 Sep 14, 01:34 PM
admin: do not trade without sl u may keep wide sl according to ur risk appetite but bina sl mat trade karna |
25 Sep 14, 01:37 PM
admin: SELL itc f at 376 377 sl 380.30 tgt 372 368 >>>361 |
25 Sep 14, 01:40 PM
admin: BUY ce 7950 13 18 sl 11.20 tgt 23 34 39 |
25 Sep 14, 01:46 PM
admin: dlf call gaining 1200 or more at 1.40 call was 25 Sep 14, 11:41 AM [×] [o] admin: BUY dlf 160 call at 0.70 1.05 sl 35 tgt 1.90 3 5http://prntscr.com/4q3we8 |
25 Sep 14, 01:54 PM
admin: nifty ce sl triggered call was 25 Sep 14, 01:22 PM [×] [o] admin: BUY nifty 7950 ce at 16 18 sl 13 tgt 23 29 |
25 Sep 14, 01:59 PM
admin: BUY 7950 ce at 5 7 9 risk full capital ki tgt 18 27 39 |
25 Sep 14, 01:59 PM
admin: BUY 7950 ce at 5 7 9 risk full capital ki tgt 18 27 39 |
25 Sep 14, 02:39 PM
admin: BUY 7950 ce st 2.70 4.55 sl 45 ps tgt 9 19 |
25 Sep 14, 03:20 PM
admin: 360 se 343 ho aayaa BOOK nahin kiya to ab kar lo call was 25 Sep 14, 09:16 AM [×] [o] admin: SELL coal india in cash at 359 60 sl 363.60 tgt 356 352 >>>>341http://prntscr.com/4q4czc |
25 Sep 14, 03:24 PM
admin: please sq off all ur in the money options ...if it will remain pending u will have to pay stt also for future contract |
25 Sep 14, 03:27 PM
admin: 7993 BOOK 50 % gains on this call 25 Sep 14, 03:09 PM [×] [o] admin: BUY Oct nifty F at 7945 add more at 7922 sl 7888 btst |
25 Sep 14, 03:28 PM
admin: please sq off all sept future contracts |
25 Sep 14, 03:32 PM
admin: today 8000 pe made my promise ....so many times i told that BUY 8000 pe at 21 222 tgt 30 60 >>>100 but when traded below 8 rs it broke me and have asked to sq off but what i m seeing today its high is 2.30 to 1100 what a gr8 market ,,,it was at 2.30 3 days back |
25 Sep 14, 03:34 PM
admin: pls update gain loss holdings |
25 Sep 14, 04:38 PM
gurinder: made 3000,lost 3000 in 7950 pe |
25 Sep 14, 04:40 PM
admin: 7950 pe ? |
25 Sep 14, 05:29 PM
admin: call 1 traded at 160 BUY advised at 32 37 call was 25 Sep 14, 09:17 AM [×] [o] admin: BUY8050 pe at 32 37 sl 24 tgt 50 70http://prntscr.com/4q52l1 |
25 Sep 14, 05:38 PM
naveen: admin sir i need application ll u send me ,,,, & tell me what are the documents required to open a a.c |
25 Sep 14, 05:57 PM
admin: naveen call me pls |
25 Sep 14, 05:58 PM
admin: or gimme ur cell no |
25 Sep 14, 05:58 PM
admin: mail id |
25 Sep 14, 06:05 PM
admin: call 2 sl triggered or profit gained tuff decision high 380.35 sl planned was 380.30 low was 372.70 call was 25 Sep 14, 09:24 AM [×] [o] admin: SELL itc f at 375.60 sl 380.30 tgt 372 368 >>>361 traders decesion ...sl or gain from 380 to 373 7 points fall from 376 to 380 4 points slhttp://prntscr.com/4q5b1o
25 Sep 14, 06:06 PM
naveen: next session both Rom & reliance are falling hugely |
25 Sep 14, 06:09 PM
naveen: in upside M&M , MARUTHI are going to move top makers |
25 Sep 14, 06:11 PM
admin: naveen pls chk ur mail sent application pdf |
25 Sep 14, 06:13 PM
naveen: ok sir |
25 Sep 14, 06:27 PM
admin: call 2 sl triggered or profit gained tough decision high 380.35 sl planned was 380.30 low was 372.70 call was 25 Sep 14, 09:24 AM [×] [o] admin: SELL itc f at 375.60 sl 380.30 tgt 372 368 >>>361 traders decesion ...sl or gain from 380 to 373 7 points fall from 376 to 380 4 points slhttp://prntscr.com/4q5b1o |
25 Sep 14, 07:18 PM
admin: BUY silver at 39060 sl 39773 tgt 39300 39550 |
25 Sep 14, 07:20 PM
admin: BUY silver at 39160 sl 39873 tgt 39300 39550 |
25 Sep 14, 07:46 PM
admin: Natural Gas Storage Actual: 8 PM Forecast:94B Previous:90B ng double volatility today expiry also |
25 Sep 14, 07:48 PM
admin: SELL oct ng at 241 243 sl 244.20 tgt 239 237 >>>234 |
25 Sep 14, 07:55 PM
admin: 4th call 25 Sep 14, 09:28 AM [×] [o] admin: BUY coal india pe 360 at 3.50 4 sl 1.80 tgt 5 9 from 3.50 to 15 lot size 1000 bole to 3000 ke 9 se 15000 http://prntscr.com/4q66g7 |
25 Sep 14, 08:03 PM
admin: Natural Gas Storage Actual:97B Forecast:94B Previous:90B |
25 Sep 14, 08:08 PM
admin: SELL nat gas at 244.40 90 sl 245.60 tgt 242 240 >>>236 |
25 Sep 14, 08:21 PM
admin: Rs 10000/- per lot gained here call was 25 Sep 14, 07:18 PM [×] [o] admin: BUY silver at 39060 sl 39773 tgt 39300 39550 25 Sep 14, 07:20 PM [×] [o] admin: BUY silver at 39160 sl 39873 tgt 39300 39550 http://prntscr.com/4q6dzr |
25 Sep 14, 08:44 PM
admin: 242.20 now tgt 1 gained 2500/- per lot dn call was kailash123p@yahoo.co.in (9/25/2014 8:08:26 PM): SELL nat gas at 244.40 90 sl 245.60 tgt 242 240 >>>236 http://prntscr.com/4q6h49 |
25 Sep 14, 09:09 PM
admin: SELL nat gas at 243.40 90 sl 245.60 tgt 242 240 >>>236 |
25 Sep 14, 09:15 PM
bibin: BAJAJ FINSERV market cap 12695 share price 2531 l and t finance market cap 11432 value 66 rs BUY the future multibagger never do mistake again keep it for 15 years BUY again at every 10 percent dip. BUY for fixed amount no for fixed no |
25 Sep 14, 09:17 PM
bibin: BUY at every crash . just i will give you assumption for 20 year investment 6600 rs invested becomes 225000 after 20 you will earn 5k as dividend |
25 Sep 14, 09:17 PM
bibin: bonus issues extra |
25 Sep 14, 09:18 PM
bibin: missed 2008 crash never miss train againBUY l and t finance holdings within 3 years of listing it enters nifty mid cap it will overtake bajaj finser in next 1 year |
25 Sep 14, 09:18 PM
bibin: heaily undervalued stock |
25 Sep 14, 09:20 PM
bibin: best levels to BUY 68 56 42 38 |
25 Sep 14, 09:20 PM
bibin: BUY for fixed amount |
25 Sep 14, 10:36 PM
admin: sl triggered in nat gas call was 25 Sep 14, 09:09 PM [×] [o] admin: SELL nat gas at 243.40 90 sl 245.60 tgt 242 240 >>>236 |
25 Sep 14, 10:46 PM
admin: SELL nat gas at 245.90 sl 247.30 tgt 244.10 240 >>>236 |
25 Sep 14, 11:00 PM
admin: sl gone in ng again SELL only below 246 with same sl nahin to jane do panga nai lena |
25 Sep 14, 11:29 PM
admin: stbt cr oil at 5700 |
25 Sep 14, 11:36 PM
pravin: Hii |
26 Sep 14, 08:13 AM
admin: A year and a half after the arrest of Saradha Group chief Sudipta Sen in a Ponzi scheme scam, the Enforcement Directorate has questioned top officials of another company — Rose Valley Group — that has collected thousands of crores from small investors in West Bengal and other States. |
26 Sep 14, 08:24 AM
admin: possible waves of Nifty futures in coming sessins 7950 to 7989 7990 to 8060 or 7950 8060 to 8100 or 7990 8100 to 8180 or 7980 today BUYon dips keep sl max 20 NF points buying level 7940 53 sl 7918 tgt 7990 8045http://prntscr.com/4qdg0f |
26 Sep 14, 08:50 AM
admin: New month Fresh start ....we are planning to play ulta game reason is it is Friday every one will expect for Black Friday and try to SELL his /her stuff but big players will encase this opportunity so why don't you ...BUY at open on dips around 7940 50 keeping sl at 7918 . ok trying to give you levels Trade in Nf as per these levelsBUY at / above: 7943 Targets: 7961 - 7983 - 8006 - 8028 Stoploss : 7921 SELL at / below: 7921 Targets: 7902 - 7880- 7858 - 7836 Stoploss : 7943 Please respect the trend and plan ur trades as per trend ..these levels are important support / resistance /pivot levels so u can plan ur entryLONG /SHORT any where keeping sl below 1 level up or down for example .. if nf will failed to move 8006 and you are feeling that NF will going to crack from 8006 just SELL it and keep sl above 8028 where as it is target 3 in our BUY advise ...we are giving BUY advise at 7943 as we are expecting that NF will start at or below 7943 and move to 8000 8045 |
26 Sep 14, 09:08 AM
admin: NF levels eod analysed charts and outlook see here 26 ka http://dhanvarsha.in/expecting-bullish-engulfing-hammer-today/ |
26 Sep 14, 09:08 AM
murali: gm sir |
26 Sep 14, 09:12 AM
admin: gm murali |
26 Sep 14, 09:16 AM
bibin: SELL AMBUJA CEMENTS FUTURES AT 208 207.50 SL 210 TGT 207 206 205 |
26 Sep 14, 09:16 AM
admin: BUY NF at / above: 7943 Targets: 7961 – 7983 – 8006 – 8028 Stoploss : 7921 |
26 Sep 14, 09:18 AM
bibin: BUY TATAT MOTORS FUTUTRES AT 499 498 SL 495 TGT 502 505 508 |
26 Sep 14, 09:21 AM
26 Sep 14, 09:24 AM
26 Sep 14, 09:27 AM
bibin: SELL AMBUJA FUTURES AT 208 208.50 SL 210 TGT 207 206 |
26 Sep 14, 09:27 AM
bibin: 208.50 TRADED AMBUJA |
26 Sep 14, 09:28 AM
bibin: bibin: BUY TATAT MOTORS FUTUTRES AT 499 498 SL 495 TGT 502 505 508 26 Sep 14, 09:18 AM 505 TRADED 5K GAIN IN 13 MINUTES |
26 Sep 14, 09:29 AM
26 Sep 14, 09:30 AM
26 Sep 14, 09:35 AM
26 Sep 14, 09:36 AM
bibin: BUY ITC FUTURES AT 376 375.50 SL 374 TGT 378 380 |
26 Sep 14, 09:36 AM
26 Sep 14, 09:36 AM
admin: 2 times nifty trdaed at tgt 1 or above from advised entry level BUY call was with u at 9.01 AM if u gained ..it is ur smartness if still waiting who will press buttons for ur orders ab 2 bari 20 points gain aane ke baad 1 bar sl bhi jae 20 points ka to kya jaega ? http://prntscr.com/4qduxo |
26 Sep 14, 09:37 AM
26 Sep 14, 09:38 AM
bibin: sorry for caps |
26 Sep 14, 09:38 AM
bibin: itc sl triggered |
26 Sep 14, 09:40 AM
bibin: BUY icici futures at 1470 sl 1460 tgt 1480 1495 |
26 Sep 14, 09:41 AM
admin: gained 10000/- per lot call waskailash123p@yahoo.co.in (9/26/2014 9:18:24 AM):BUY nano tata motors f at 498 99 sl 494.90 tgt 504 509 Dhanvarsha http://prntscr.com/4qdw0f |
26 Sep 14, 09:43 AM
bibin: BUY icici futures at 1468 1465 sl 1460 tgt 1480 1495 |
26 Sep 14, 09:44 AM
bibin: 1468 traded icici futures |
26 Sep 14, 09:48 AM
admin: BUY bhel f at 203 04 sl 199 tgt 209 >>>.218>>>239 |
26 Sep 14, 09:50 AM
bibin: icici 1480 traded tgt 1 achieved profit of 2.5k |
26 Sep 14, 09:50 AM
admin: BUY bhel f at 203 04 sl 199 tgt 209 >>>.218>>>239 do not trade without sl trade as per ur risk if u feel sl is wide adjust ur entry close to sl |
26 Sep 14, 09:53 AM
bibin: see if you wont put order in terminal wil market swings will eat your profits |
26 Sep 14, 09:54 AM
admin: 8018 traded 70 plus NF points Dhanvarsha Deewana bana de sabko call was 26 Sep 14, 09:16 AM [×] [o] admin: BUY NF at / above: 7943 Targets: 7961 – 7983 – 8006 – 8028 Stoploss : 7921 http://prntscr.com/4qdy6u |
26 Sep 14, 09:55 AM
bibin: SELL ambuja futures at 210.50 211 tgt 209.50 sl 211.50 |
26 Sep 14, 09:56 AM
bibin: hig made 210.80 if breaches 211.50 next tgt 215 so small sl |
26 Sep 14, 09:57 AM
bibin: 210.50 traded |
26 Sep 14, 10:01 AM
bibin: ambuja 209.50 traded 2k gain |
26 Sep 14, 10:01 AM
bibin: high swinging stocks small tgts and small sl will give you multiple chances of entry |
26 Sep 14, 10:03 AM
bibin: we were lucky in ambuja trade just kissed 209.50 and rebounded |
26 Sep 14, 10:04 AM
bibin: SELL tat global futurea at 162.30 162 sl 163 .50 tgt 161.50 |
26 Sep 14, 10:05 AM
bibin: 162.30 traded tata global |
26 Sep 14, 10:14 AM
kamal: good morning sir |
26 Sep 14, 10:15 AM
admin: rel f trdaed above 950 bang on tgt 1 call was 26 Sep 14, 09:45 AM [×] [o] admin: BUY rel f at 940 42 sl 932 tgt 949 958 >>>> 2000/- per lot gain have u booked gains ???http://prntscr.com/4qe1kz |
26 Sep 14, 10:21 AM
kamal: sir mera premium chattroom protected bataa rha h. please new password issue krwa dijiye & sorry for msg posting at this chattroom |
26 Sep 14, 10:33 AM
bibin: 161 traded tata global min 1.6k gain |
26 Sep 14, 10:34 AM
bibin: see this i learned from kailash sir |
26 Sep 14, 10:34 AM
bibin: BOOK profit phata phat don care for tgt if you r getting 1k and you feel it will be lost BOOKquickly and again reenter at lows |
26 Sep 14, 10:41 AM
admin: BUY rel f at 940 42 sl 932 tgt 949 |
26 Sep 14, 10:42 AM
admin: gm kamal |
26 Sep 14, 10:42 AM
admin: kamal call me |
26 Sep 14, 10:57 AM
bibin: BUY icici futures for 1472 1470 tgt 1477 achieable for 1.2k gain |
26 Sep 14, 11:21 AM
admin: http://tipsncalls.blogspot.in/?zx=22e76fb355c7e90b |
26 Sep 14, 11:33 AM
admin: BUY NF at / above: 7943 Targets: 7961 – 7983 – 8006 – 8028 Stoploss : 7921 you may add more on dips upto 7921 |
26 Sep 14, 11:39 AM
bibin: BUY tata global future at 158.50 159 tgt 16.30 gl 157
26 Sep 14, 11:39 AM
[×] [o] bibin: sl 157
26 Sep 14, 11:39 AM
[×] [o] bibin: 158.50 traded
26 Sep 14, 11:42 AM
[×] [o] bibin: tgt 160.30 161
26 Sep 14, 11:42 AM
[×] [o] bibin: een 159 tgt will give u 1k
26 Sep 14, 11:48 AM
[×] [o] admin: 15000/- or more gained on silver BUY call call was 25 Sep 14, 07:18 PM [×] [o] admin: BUY silver at 39060 sl 39773 tgt 39300 39550 25 Sep 14, 07:20 PM [×] [o] admin: BUY silver at 39160 sl 39873 tgt 39300 39550 http://prntscr.com/4qefhw
26 Sep 14, 11:53 AM
[×] [o] admin: 7961 tgt 1 dn BOOK 50 % gains in nf
26 Sep 14, 11:56 AM
[×] [o] admin: BUY NF at / above: 7943 Targets: 7961 – 7983 – 8006 – 8028 Stoploss : 7921
26 Sep 14, 12:06 PM
[×] [o] bibin: 159.80 traded in tata global beverage BUY call for cool 2.6k gain
26 Sep 14, 12:11 PM
[×] [o] bibin: SELL lic housing finance a t 305sl 304 tgt 306
26 Sep 14, 12:11 PM
[×] [o] bibin: sorry sl 306 tgt 304
26 Sep 14, 12:13 PM
[×] [o] bibin: narrowly escaped sl hitting
26 Sep 14, 12:15 PM
[×] [o] bibin: i m giving small sl as i think like small scale trader u can modify it according to ur wish
26 Sep 14, 12:17 PM
[×] [o] admin: sl for nifty LONG will be below 7921 do not hold LONG positions below that but yes initiate LONG again above 7931 once exited at sl
26 Sep 14, 12:23 PM
[×] [o] bibin: BUY tata motors futures at 500 499 sl 298 tgt 502 505 508
26 Sep 14, 12:23 PM
[×] [o] bibin: sl 498
26 Sep 14, 12:23 PM
[×] [o] bibin: tatat motors 500 traded
26 Sep 14, 12:25 PM
[×] [o] bibin: when call comes to your screen then quickly enter your order in split second things change
26 Sep 14, 12:25 PM
[×] [o] bibin: trading is s bout speed and reflexes
26 Sep 14, 12:26 PM
[×] [o] bibin: tata motors 501 traded any one can BOOK 1k gain if u feel comfortable
26 Sep 14, 12:28 PM
[×] [o] bibin: tm sl hit after giving 1k gain
26 Sep 14, 12:29 PM
[×] [o] bibin: BUY tm futures at cmp sl 496 tgt 500 502
26 Sep 14, 12:32 PM
[×] [o] bibin: 500 traded once again
26 Sep 14, 12:35 PM
[×] [o] bibin: BUY tata global beverages at 157.10 157.00 sl 156 tgt 158 159
26 Sep 14, 12:36 PM
[×] [o] bibin: 157.15 traded
26 Sep 14, 12:38 PM
[×] [o] bibin: tatat global sl triggered
26 Sep 14, 12:45 PM
[×] [o] bibin: lic housing 304 traded 1k gain
26 Sep 14, 12:46 PM
[×] [o] bibin: sl saed narrowly in lic housing plaaned was 306 305.95 came
26 Sep 14, 12:47 PM
[×] [o] bibin: BUY reliance future at 930 930.50 sl 927 tgt 935 398
26 Sep 14, 12:50 PM
[×] [o] bibin: 935 938
26 Sep 14, 12:52 PM
[×] [o] bibin: BUY icici futures at 1454 1453 sl 1449 tgt 1465 1470
26 Sep 14, 12:56 PM
[×] [o] naveen: today Sbin closes bellow 2330 ll lead to fall panic up to 2120
26 Sep 14, 12:56 PM
[×] [o] admin: BUY bnf at 15338 sl 15248 tgt 15468 15590
26 Sep 14, 01:03 PM
[×] [o] bibin: bibin: BUY tm futures at cmp sl 496 tgt 500 502 26 Sep 14, 12:29 PM 502.60 traded for 2.6k gain
26 Sep 14, 01:03 PM
[×] [o] admin: BUY bhel again above 199
26 Sep 14, 01:05 PM
[×] [o] bibin: icici 1460 traded any one comfortable can BOOK 1.5k gain
26 Sep 14, 01:06 PM
[×] [o] bibin: target is mine profit is urs u can BOOK that anytime u want
26 Sep 14, 01:07 PM
[×] [o] bibin: square off reliance futures BUY at cmp even 3 rs gain gives u 500 after brokerage
26 Sep 14, 01:08 PM
[×] [o] bibin: EXIT reliance futures at market
26 Sep 14, 01:08 PM
[×] [o] bibin: thats all for the day bye friends
26 Sep 14, 01:11 PM
[×] [o] bibin: bibin: BUY reliance future at 930 930.50 sl 927 tgt 935 398 26 Sep 14, 12:47 PM 935 traded finally for 1k gain
26 Sep 14, 01:12 PM
[×] [o] admin: BUY rcap f at 476 sl 468 tgt 487
26 Sep 14, 01:12 PM
[×] [o] bibin: 26 Sep 14, 12:52 PM bibin: BUY icici futures at 1454 1453 sl 1449 tgt 1465 1470 icici 1565 traded 2.5 k gain
26 Sep 14, 01:12 PM
[×] [o] admin: 7950 from 7910
26 Sep 14, 01:13 PM
[×] [o] bibin: tm again traded 505
26 Sep 14, 01:15 PM
[×] [o] admin: 106 BOOK 50 % gains in ce 8000
26 Sep 14, 01:33 PM
[×] [o] admin: agar ye 7967 toota to nf will see 8068 http://prntscr.com/4qevr8
26 Sep 14, 02:28 PM
[×] [o] admin: BUY nf at and above 7912 sl 7898 tgt 7942 7975 trading at 7943 http://prntscr.com/4qf57m
26 Sep 14, 02:36 PM
[×] [o] admin: nifty 7937 to 7984 enjoy
26 Sep 14, 02:41 PM
[×] [o] admin: bulls traded as per prediction 7937 to 8010 http://prntscr.com/4qf7e5 see the call >>> 26 Sep 14, 02:28 PM [×] [o] admin: BUYnf at and above 7912 sl 7898 tgt 7942 7975 trading at 7943 http://prntscr.com/4qf57m
26 Sep 14, 02:43 PM
[×] [o] gurinder: Good call
26 Sep 14, 02:47 PM
[×] [o] admin: LT F traded above 1488 bang on tgt call was 26 Sep 14, 09:23 AM [×] [o] admin: BUY LT f at 1457 sl 1438 tgt 1468 148 gain 7500/- per lot Dhanvarsha http://prntscr.com/4qf8jo
26 Sep 14, 02:47 PM
[×] [o] admin: hi gurinder ji what is status of ur zerodha application
26 Sep 14, 02:51 PM
[×] [o] gurinder: sending it today
26 Sep 14, 02:54 PM
[×] [o] admin: traded above 148 tgt 2 dn call was 26 Sep 14, 09:20 AM [×] [o] admin: BUY nf 8000 ce at 95 99 sl 79 tgt 115 145http://prntscr.com/4qf9lp
26 Sep 14, 02:55 PM
[×] [o] admin: 8057 traded 11 point kum pad gaya msg was 26 Sep 14, 01:33 PM [×] [o] admin: agar ye 7967 toota to nf will see 8068http://prntscr.com/4qevr8
26 Sep 14, 03:11 PM
[×] [o] admin: 11000/- per lot gained tata steel call was 26 Sep 14, 09:28 AM [×] [o] admin: BUY tata steel f at 468.10 sl 461.80 tgt 473 478 >>> http://prntscr.com/4qfd0f
26 Sep 14, 03:15 PM
[×] [o] admin: 199 to 203 then 199.50 to 205 total 10 points means 20000/- per lot or more positive move kaha to tha BUY above 199 BHEL f lot size 2000 http://prntscr.com/4qfdv8
26 Sep 14, 03:28 PM
[×] [o] admin: btst rel f at 940 41 tgt 959 sl 928
26 Sep 14, 03:30 PM
[×] [o] admin: please update ur gain loss holdings
26 Sep 14, 04:51 PM
[×] [o] ram: 2k loss in ril fut nd 3.5k gain in nifty fut
26 Sep 14, 04:52 PM
[×] [o] admin: only 1 update
26 Sep 14, 04:53 PM
[×] [o] ram: sir good call in nifty i EXIT 10min Early otherwise 5k in hand
26 Sep 14, 05:27 PM
[×] [o] admin: surprise ...we posted this " we are planning to play ulta game reason... is it is Friday every one will expect for Black Friday and try to SELL his /her stuff but big players will encash this opportunity so why don’t you …BUY at open on dips around 7940 50 keeping sl at 7918 . Trade in Nf as per these levels BUY at / above: 7943 Targets: 7961 – 7983 – 8006 – 8028 Stoploss : 7921" please respect the trend and plan ur trades as per trend ..for example ..if nf will failed to move 8006 and you are feeling that NF will going to crack from 8006 just SELL it and keep sl above 8028 where as it is target 3 in our BUY advise http://prntscr.com/4qg0um see post was shared at 9.01 AM athttp://dhanvarsha.in/expecting-bullish-engulfing-hammer-today/
26 Sep 14, 06:29 PM
[×] [o] admin: nat gas traded at 244.40 bang on tgt 1 call was kailash123p@yahoo.co.in: SELL ng at 246.70 247.50 sl 248.60 tgt 245http://prntscr.com/4qgl1u gained 3000/- or more per lot
26 Sep 14, 06:41 PM
[×] [o] admin: SELL nat gas at and below 247.50 sl 248.60 tgt 245 243
26 Sep 14, 07:38 PM
[×] [o] admin: lead gained 2500 to 5000/- or more per lot call was kailash123p@yahoo.co.in (9/26/2014 11:27:59 AM): BUY lead lead m at 127.15 sl 126 .15 tgt 127 .65 128.25 traded at 126.50 and 127.80 after BUY call http://prntscr.com/4qh368
26 Sep 14, 08:17 PM
[×] [o] Gurinder: sir can please post a screen shot of puting a stop loss order- say BUY 8200 put at 51 sl30
26 Sep 14, 09:24 PM
[×] [o] admin: stop loss orders .how to place them
26 Sep 14, 09:24 PM
[×] [o] admin: http://dhanvarshagrp.blogspot.in/2011/07/stop-loss-order-technique-you-must-know.html
26 Sep 14, 09:26 PM
[×] [o] Gurinder: thanx
26 Sep 14, 09:26 PM
[×] [o] admin: to BUY pe 8200 first you have to BUY pr 8200 at 51
26 Sep 14, 09:27 PM
[×] [o] admin: then place its SELL order with option sl-m and enter trigger at 30
26 Sep 14, 09:39 PM
[×] [o] admin: see here pls http://prntscr.com/4qi8kp
26 Sep 14, 10:05 PM
[×] [o] admin: sl triggered in Ni BUY call ...loss 2000/- per lot call was kailash123p@yahoo.co.in (9/26/2014 4:02:18 PM): BUY ni at and above 1055 sl 1047 tgt 1078
26 Sep 14, 11:00 PM
[×] [o] admin: close your intra trades which you are trading against margin before 11 PM ...cancel stop loss orders at 11 PM ..as brokers will close intra positions traded against margin after 11 PM ...and wild unpredicted moves may be seen due to basket orders of brokers ... and your sl may get triggered ..
26 Sep 14, 11:39 PM
[×] [o] admin: 1031.50 traded bang on tgt 1 call was 26 Sep 14, 10:15 PM [×] [o] admin: SELL ni at and below 1045 sl 1050.20 tgt 1032 1022 trading at 1038.20 gained 7 points 1700/- rs per lot http://prntscr.com/4qjkr7
27 Sep 14, 08:27 AM
[×] [o] admin: dow traded above 160 $ from BUY advise call was "BUY dow at 16908 sl 16836 tgt 17017' shared herehttps://www.facebook.com/groups/419358211508503/permalink/600780126699643/ and also at twitterhttps://twitter.com/dhanvarshaa/status/515167364686442497 see at chart how it has moved http://prntscr.com/4qon1u dhanvarsha
28 Sep 14, 03:16 PM
[×] [o] admin: Nifty spot may trade few more days between 7843 8175 range as per fib levels http://prntscr.com/4r2bwf
28 Sep 14, 03:29 PM
[×] [o] admin: red horizontal channel will try bn to pull up if it will be done bn spot may trade in 15730 to 16200 range http://prntscr.com/4r2f51
28 Sep 14, 04:36 PM
[×] [o] admin: 8000 call expired at 0.05 paisa means full gain call was 22 Sep 14, 03:07 PM admin: SELL 8000 call at 167 70 sl 181 tgt below 105 170 rupayaa gained on SELL call Dhanvarsha http://prntscr.com/4r2s71 8500/- Rs per lot gained in only 3 sessions if sold at 170For chat room login access call admin at +919451659275,+919838772020 or mail to kailash123p@yahoo.co.in , kailashnpoonam@gmail.com
Thank you For tutorials on Testing and the also the other tutorials on Blog are Awosme,
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