Saturday, July 17, 2010

Gaining discussion 15 July 2010

smriti (7/15/2010 12:03:49 PM): sir jindal r enter/
David (7/15/2010 12:05:55 PM): 5400pe touched 81
Ram (7/15/2010 12:06:07 PM): 80 again
Ram (7/15/2010 12:06:38 PM): sir where to exit put?
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 12:07:20 PM): please exit from pe5400 at 5365 level
Ram (7/15/2010 12:08:06 PM): ok
smriti (7/15/2010 12:08:09 PM): 5365 spot?
smriti (7/15/2010 12:08:28 PM): is somebody holding nifty shorts
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 12:09:15 PM): who is holding what ???
Amar (7/15/2010 12:09:32 PM): i am holding Jindal 1 lot
smriti (7/15/2010 12:09:34 PM): nifty short?
Ram (7/15/2010 12:09:42 PM): i am holding only 5400 puts
lakshmanan (7/15/2010 12:09:48 PM): nifty short
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 12:09:51 PM): i asked u to bought pe 5400 at 75 76
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 12:11:04 PM): nifty shorts to be covered at 5365.10 and so the put there
smriti (7/15/2010 12:11:24 PM): ok sir i am holding both
Ram (7/15/2010 12:11:32 PM): ok
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 12:12:01 PM): so place order for both
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 12:13:06 PM): ritu??
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 12:13:30 PM): who is short on rcom ca180 in rcom??
Ram (7/15/2010 12:16:12 PM): Jindal at its day's low
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 12:18:02 PM): pe at 85
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 12:18:28 PM): r u mad ??
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 12:18:45 PM): not for u all?..
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 12:19:19 PM): cover at 84
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 12:21:26 PM): see signals are troubling me
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 12:21:41 PM): so book profit in full
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 12:21:55 PM): or tsl ??
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 12:22:06 PM): at 83.9
smriti (7/15/2010 12:22:23 PM): shekhar ka put cover
Ram (7/15/2010 12:22:56 PM): covered at puts at 85.7
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 12:25:48 PM): buy jindaL AT 630.50
Ram (7/15/2010 12:32:10 PM): bot @ 631.1
David (7/15/2010 12:33:09 PM): hi, did i miss any call?
David (7/15/2010 12:33:15 PM): 5400pe??
Ram (7/15/2010 12:33:28 PM): Dhanvarsha Group: buy jindaL AT 630.50
Ram (7/15/2010 12:33:52 PM): cover at 84 Dhanvarsha Group: see signals are troubling me Dhanvarsha Group: so book profit in full Dhanvarsha Group: or tsl ?? Dhanvarsha Group: at 83.9
David (7/15/2010 12:34:27 PM): sir wat is jindalsteel exit price?
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 12:41:26 PM): MAHENDER
Ram (7/15/2010 12:43:38 PM): nifty 5365
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 12:43:39 PM): HOPE ALL SHORTERS IN NIFTY AND PE EXITED AT 5364
smriti (7/15/2010 1:04:34 PM): is ocnf on
Ram (7/15/2010 1:04:53 PM): same doubt
Ram (7/15/2010 1:05:19 PM): anyone else?
David (7/15/2010 1:10:46 PM): sir, idea gains 1200
David (7/15/2010 1:10:53 PM): nifty 2500
David (7/15/2010 1:11:25 PM): holding jindal steel@631.7
David (7/15/2010 1:11:36 PM): put exit@635.85
Ram (7/15/2010 1:12:04 PM): Sir any exit point for jindal?
David (7/15/2010 1:12:20 PM): have to go out for an hour, pls sms if any intermediate update Thanks
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:12:26 PM): 5 point u p
Ram (7/15/2010 1:12:35 PM): will not be available noon
Ram (7/15/2010 1:12:46 PM): ok will place
Ram (7/15/2010 1:12:51 PM): thanks
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:13:01 PM): go for min 5 points in jindal
Ram (7/15/2010 1:13:22 PM): placed at 636.05
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:16:25 PM): please place at 636.85 or 635.85 for selll round figures are barriers
Ram (7/15/2010 1:18:45 PM): ok moved to 635.85
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:20:19 PM): good
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:20:35 PM): who are in say yes
Ram (7/15/2010 1:21:37 PM): yes i'm in
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:24:03 PM): rp i think all r out we will restart close window
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:34:38 PM): HI TODAY U ALL ARE QUITE COOL???
smriti (7/15/2010 1:34:52 PM): aur kuch hai?
santosh (7/15/2010 1:35:06 PM): hello everyone
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:35:25 PM): TELL ME ABOUT UR GAINS / HOLDINGS ...
Amar (7/15/2010 1:36:05 PM): Sir i am holding Jindal bought at 631
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:36:38 PM): GO FOR 5 POINTS MEANS 635.85
Amar (7/15/2010 1:36:48 PM): ok
SHIVANSH (7/15/2010 1:36:48 PM): JINDAL CALL 640CA 11.35
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:38:21 PM): ASK ME IF U WANT TO ENTER IN STOCKS CALL / PUTS
SHIVANSH (7/15/2010 1:38:29 PM): OK
smriti (7/15/2010 1:39:26 PM): mkt is litrally still
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:39:30 PM): SEE THE LIVE EXAMPLE
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:39:53 PM): WHEN WE ALL BOUGHT PA180 AT 7.60
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:40:03 PM): RCOM WAS AT 188
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:40:36 PM): NOW RCOM IS AT 185 AND PA IS AT 3.50
smriti (7/15/2010 1:40:42 PM):
smriti (7/15/2010 1:40:51 PM): aur hum phase hai
smriti (7/15/2010 1:41:03 PM): is ne bosy else holding along with me
santosh (7/15/2010 1:41:37 PM): i exited when it hit 6.5
santosh (7/15/2010 1:41:47 PM): small losses
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:41:57 PM): WHO IS DOC_RAMAN 27
mahendra tanwar (7/15/2010 1:42:54 PM): HI
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:43:25 PM): WHO IS DOC_RAMAN 27
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:43:41 PM): PLEASE LET ME KNOW
santosh (7/15/2010 1:43:45 PM): no idea sir
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:43:55 PM): WHO INVITED DOC RAMAN??
SHIVANSH (7/15/2010 1:44:05 PM): ME
SHIVANSH (7/15/2010 1:44:14 PM): I M NOT
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:44:19 PM): WHO IS HE ?
SHIVANSH (7/15/2010 1:44:26 PM): HE SEND ME REQ.
Ritu (7/15/2010 1:44:38 PM): i am there too smriti
SHIVANSH (7/15/2010 1:44:44 PM): I DONT KNOW
Ritu (7/15/2010 1:44:47 PM): rcom on hold
SHIVANSH (7/15/2010 1:44:51 PM): SO I MASKING U
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:45:41 PM): PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHO INVITED HIM
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:46:02 PM): I JUST WANT TO KNOW
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:46:13 PM): NO ACTION FROM ME
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:49:01 PM): HEY WITHOUT INVITATION KOI AAEGA KYA
smriti (7/15/2010 1:50:58 PM): he just send me a add req
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:52:18 PM): NO SMRITI U SENT HIM
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:52:39 PM): COZ IT IS OUR CONF
smriti (7/15/2010 1:52:54 PM): no sir i sin send him and i have not added him
smriti (7/15/2010 1:53:01 PM): he sent me add frnd req in yahoo
mahendra tanwar (7/15/2010 1:53:02 PM): ANY ONE IS THERE
smriti (7/15/2010 1:53:12 PM): i have not sent him invite
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:53:22 PM): YES MAHENDER
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:53:30 PM): LVE IT
smriti (7/15/2010 1:53:50 PM): i meant he send me a frnd req
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:53:56 PM): OK
smriti (7/15/2010 1:53:56 PM): i declined
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:54:14 PM): AND YAHOO SEND HIM IN CONF
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:54:40 PM): YAHOO KA SOFTWARE CRASHED
smriti (7/15/2010 1:54:43 PM): sir i din do nething
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:54:59 PM): JINDAL ROCKING
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:55:08 PM): NIFTY ROCKING
smriti (7/15/2010 1:55:26 PM): ya
smriti (7/15/2010 1:55:37 PM): i m holding jindal
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:56:06 PM): 636.75
smriti (7/15/2010 1:56:14 PM): ya sir
smriti (7/15/2010 1:56:16 PM): ya hoooo
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:56:31 PM): PLACE EXIT BETE
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:56:53 PM): CMP 634.30
smriti (7/15/2010 1:57:02 PM): carry positional
smriti (7/15/2010 1:57:03 PM): ???
Singh (7/15/2010 1:57:09 PM): sir 635.8 per sell nahi howa
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 1:58:02 PM): COVER AT 633.95
SHIVANSH (7/15/2010 2:00:47 PM): JINDAL CA BOOKED
Singh (7/15/2010 2:01:49 PM): sir 633.2 per cover kiya
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 2:02:47 PM): HEY SUNITA
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 2:03:04 PM): AGAR TUM APNI MARJI SE TRADE KAROGE
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 2:03:16 PM): TO TRADING BAND.....
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 2:03:41 PM): Balmukund Singh: sir 635.8 per sell nahi howa COVER AT 633.95
Singh (7/15/2010 2:03:53 PM): sir ap ne hi cover karne ko kaha
smriti (7/15/2010 2:04:38 PM): ??
Singh (7/15/2010 2:04:39 PM): that time wo 633.2 per tha
Singh (7/15/2010 2:06:06 PM): sir by kar le
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 2:06:28 PM): DONT SEE UR WINDOW
Singh (7/15/2010 2:06:42 PM): ji sir
Singh (7/15/2010 2:08:46 PM): sir fir se buy kare
Amar (7/15/2010 2:28:07 PM): sir RCOM Short?
smriti (7/15/2010 2:34:47 PM): got
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 2:36:09 PM): please close conf will restart
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 3:01:12 PM): Sent at 2:54 PM on Thursday Sriram: Report booked Profit ~ 8K Days Gains= 19.5K kailash: ok
mahendra tanwar (7/15/2010 6:26:44 PM): hi every body
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 6:26:52 PM): hello
David (7/15/2010 6:27:00 PM): hi
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 6:28:46 PM): yes david
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 6:29:07 PM): how was the day / gains and any position
David (7/15/2010 6:29:26 PM): no sir
David (7/15/2010 6:29:40 PM): gains were good for the day
David (7/15/2010 6:29:58 PM): the day was busy
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 6:30:48 PM): have u signed
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 6:34:51 PM): 20 option points gave 20 k on 20 lots of Nifty in 1 session read at
mahendra tanwar (7/15/2010 6:39:53 PM): sir take care of small fishes also
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 6:40:18 PM): so david that jinadal trade exited na
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 6:52:42 PM): david r u online
David (7/15/2010 6:53:13 PM): sir
David (7/15/2010 6:53:17 PM): bach
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 6:53:38 PM): bach ?
David (7/15/2010 6:53:47 PM): neiexited @33 sir
David (7/15/2010 6:53:51 PM): back
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 6:54:09 PM): so total gain??
David (7/15/2010 7:11:29 PM): 4100 sir
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 7:11:46 PM): in 1 day ??
David (7/15/2010 7:11:50 PM): will get trade confirmation mail in some time
David (7/15/2010 7:11:59 PM): yes today
David (7/15/2010 7:12:09 PM): 2500+1200+400
David (7/15/2010 7:12:59 PM): now i can see y i was laging while other followers r making money
David (7/15/2010 7:13:19 PM): shortage of capital
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 7:16:14 PM): ok
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 7:17:02 PM): every thing will be ok
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 7:18:25 PM): sahi
David (7/15/2010 7:18:33 PM): sure sir
David (7/15/2010 7:22:25 PM): will take leavbe sir
David (7/15/2010 7:22:36 PM): pleasant evening
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 7:22:55 PM): ok
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:17:01 PM): 16000/= gain ...Patni Targets achived in 3 sessions .... call was Patni Computers ready to blast.....! Buy July futures above 512 for a target of 535/- ref High was 544.45 call was buy at 511.00 means 33 points gains 33x500 = 16500/-
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:20:55 PM): jo gaya use bhool jao ab kya
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:21:15 PM): kya gaya
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:21:28 PM): patni na
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:24:04 PM): evening conf men free walon ko ane den
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:24:12 PM): rcom is about to crack i think...what do u say
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:24:32 PM): is it recorded question ??
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:24:40 PM): but selectively say for 10 mins each
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:24:47 PM): hahahahaah
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:25:03 PM): just checking my calculation
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:25:14 PM): kal discuss kiye the na ...
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:25:15 PM): one came
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:25:30 PM): but bada crack aana chahiye ab
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:25:53 PM): kal market is going headlines about fuel inflation?
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:26:30 PM):
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:27:40 PM): ok
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:29:32 PM): ab jayraj ki goli jaam ho gahi hogi
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:29:47 PM): means
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:30:41 PM): daily he used to tense me...ab rcom itna, ab itna, ab itna
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:30:49 PM): then i ignored him by your funda
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:30:59 PM): he told that 186 is strong support
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:31:48 PM): oho
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:31:54 PM): 186 gone
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:32:12 PM): yes i think
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:34:57 PM): this pc too is a trouble
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:35:35 PM): ok
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:36:21 PM): to kal kuchh pakad rahe ho ya nahin?
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:36:35 PM): kal aane do na
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:36:42 PM): ok
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:37:01 PM): u only tell na plan n execute
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:37:03 PM): we disd gr8 mistake
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:37:52 PM): what?
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:38:23 PM): dlf i said is going to retrace na
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:38:32 PM): yes
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:38:49 PM): so we sd have to short it
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:39:03 PM): it lost 8 points means 8k
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:40:23 PM): ok
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:42:34 PM): thik hai sir opportunity knocks again and again...only thing is we should keep eyes open
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:42:45 PM): aur aap bhi kitne charts dekhoge sir
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:42:57 PM): u too hv limits na
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:43:00 PM): see ham bhool jate hain
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:43:29 PM): parson ka yaad karo aapne yahoo link dia
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:43:30 PM): yes...coz dlf is the only tension left out now
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:43:40 PM): and i said i got
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:43:41 PM): which one
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:43:54 PM): idea cellular to short
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:44:19 PM): i forgot
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:44:50 PM): and idea cracked
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:46:02 PM): yes n today it maintained na
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:47:07 PM): do u know infy bwill fall more
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:47:43 PM): ok chhodiye sir ab apne pass 4 lot rcom-183.5 / lnt 4xcall 1900-53 / dlf 1xcall 280-10.22 / rcom 2x call 180-9.55 baaki hai ok
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:48:00 PM): sir aaj tcs ka result aya hoga mkt ke baad
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:48:20 PM): i will check it up wait...should be bad...infy ko bhi phenk sakte hai kal
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:48:40 PM): ok
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:49:11 PM): give me 2 mins
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:49:29 PM): ca180 7.60 per close hua hai
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:49:37 PM): ok
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:49:44 PM): means we are gaining 8 k
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:50:17 PM): u know tcs is much bigger than info
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:50:35 PM): yes
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:51:08 PM):
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:51:14 PM): tcs has outperformed
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:51:25 PM): coz of all 95% indian bank contracts
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:51:54 PM): we also have LNT infotech...its now 5000 cr. company will llist at nse shortly
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:52:18 PM): so its risky infy may go up or down both chances
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:52:30 PM): infy ko phenk kar tcs pakad sakti hai public
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:53:15 PM): ok
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:54:11 PM): so rcom kal sell price par ajayega? kya lagta hai?
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:54:39 PM): but c mkt knows before they lifted tcs up
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:56:51 PM): rcom ka sab sell aa raha hai
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:57:02 PM): see market will see more down side tomarrow
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:57:03 PM): ab kahin operator game nahin karenge na?
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:57:46 PM): nowe they joined hand wid us
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:57:55 PM): ops?
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:58:02 PM): yes
Krishna (7/15/2010 8:58:21 PM): BHAI AAJ KA PROFIT (17 K) DAN ME DE DIYA
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:58:42 PM): great JMD
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:58:43 PM): ok
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:58:45 PM): its good
Aejaz (7/15/2010 8:58:53 PM): u will make 10 times i assure u
Krishna (7/15/2010 8:59:05 PM): THANKS
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:59:32 PM): please avoid bhai word
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 8:59:35 PM): look
Aejaz (7/15/2010 9:00:01 PM): ?
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 9:00:06 PM): like chota n bada shakeel
Aejaz (7/15/2010 9:00:20 PM):
Aejaz (7/15/2010 9:00:30 PM): see rcom support
Aejaz (7/15/2010 9:00:49 PM): before we met i used to trade with this site help it was good too
Aejaz (7/15/2010 9:00:59 PM): but you refer only for today and leave it ok sir
Aejaz (7/15/2010 9:01:33 PM): sir i will break for 30 mins...
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 9:01:42 PM): it is not opening at my pc
Aejaz (7/15/2010 9:01:54 PM): from that link u can see levels for any stock for the day
Aejaz (7/15/2010 9:02:01 PM): ok good
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 9:02:32 PM):
Aejaz (7/15/2010 9:03:11 PM): r2-186.71,r1-185.45, pvot-184.38,s1-181.95,s2-180.59 for today
Aejaz (7/15/2010 9:03:30 PM): just check if it is accurate in ur spare time...
Aejaz (7/15/2010 9:04:04 PM): JMD can u briefly introduce urself...cos i feel u r new member
Aejaz (7/15/2010 9:04:07 PM): if u dont mind
dhanvarshagrp (7/15/2010 9:10:26 PM): entered na
Power Player (7/15/2010 9:10:36 PM): HA JI

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