lakshmanan c (7/2/2010 9:58:09 AM): ya
Sreekumar India-Vodafone Mobile (7/2/2010 10:01:04 AM): sir any calls today
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 10:13:11 AM): Sir Suzlon ka 58.20 pe kuch hai kya mundadaamar: it is stopping there only mundadaamar: means resitance or support etc
mahendra tanwar (7/2/2010 10:17:32 AM): hi good morning to all
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 10:17:42 AM): amarji ....i think u got the answer 58.25 now
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 10:17:53 AM): yes
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 10:18:51 AM): see in big lots 5 paisa = 200 INR
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 10:19:50 AM): so it shifts slowly
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 10:20:28 AM): i think better to place tsl at 57.95
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 10:21:04 AM): what is ur suggestion
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 10:21:14 AM): yes i also think so
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 10:21:19 AM): tsl will give you 1800
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 10:21:43 AM): so please place tsl at 58.95
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 10:21:47 AM): ya i missed it yesterday so it is should not make the same mistake again
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 10:21:55 AM): then it is crime and not mistake
Gagan singh (7/2/2010 10:24:43 AM): hi all (7/2/2010 10:28:40 AM): my suggestion to all of u is ..please avail facility of conf / learningpoint to clear urqueries ...and try to avoid asking in mkt hrs ... mkt is playing in tight rg so please have patience... direcions are confusing ....
Sreekumar India-Vodafone Mobile (7/2/2010 10:29:49 AM): sreegnair: sir...can we short relcap trading at 758
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 10:33:53 AM): sriram.gupta: suzlon tsl triggered profit = 1600
Arvind Gandhi (7/2/2010 10:34:26 AM): sharekahan call== buy relcap at 759 sl 752 tgt 774
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 10:36:55 AM): akbar ali: sir aj suzlon rs.58.10 mein sell kia .hamara gain rs.1850. Last message received on 7/2/2010 at 10:00 AM
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 10:37:23 AM): Sir i also sold Suzlon at 58.10
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 10:37:33 AM): gains of 2400 RS.
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 10:37:43 AM): gr8
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 10:37:55 AM): pradeep\
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 10:51:49 AM): go short in rel capital july futures at 757 758 no sl tgs 750 and below can go short in cash too for minimum 4 points gain
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 10:52:50 AM): Sir Shall i place Buy order for Suzlon at 57.75?
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 10:54:47 AM): have i passed any instruction to buy suzlon fut ??
Arvind Gandhi (7/2/2010 10:55:39 AM): what about rel cap?
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 10:55:41 AM): please if u are having mtm then enter in it else donot trade ... and if trading in cash follow strict sl
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 11:04:06 AM): cancel rcom buy order
Gagan singh (7/2/2010 11:08:01 AM): not entered anything
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 11:09:59 AM): who traded rel cap ????and booked or still in trade ???/
Sreekumar India-Vodafone Mobile (7/2/2010 11:10:23 AM): Not did not buy..
Sreekumar India-Vodafone Mobile (7/2/2010 11:10:32 AM): wanted to enter at 758
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 11:11:18 AM): but i gave 757 758 and was trading at 757.20
Sreekumar India-Vodafone Mobile (7/2/2010 11:13:58 AM): yes... was not quick in commiting the trade..and started falling fast
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 11:14:35 AM): see speed is must in tredes
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 11:14:50 AM): for quick gains
Sreekumar India-Vodafone Mobile (7/2/2010 11:15:04 AM): now it is 753..
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 11:15:09 AM): fishing u know not quite easy
Sreekumar India-Vodafone Mobile (7/2/2010 11:15:12 AM): still possible sir
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 11:16:57 AM): see tion takes lot of efforts ... and u please try to understand ...prediction is not so simple like placing the orders ...predic
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 11:17:41 AM): see prediction takes lot of efforts ... and u please try to understand ...prediction is not so simple like placing the orders ...predic
Gagan singh (7/2/2010 11:18:41 AM): can we short rcom now?
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 11:19:48 AM): i know on my word.. your crores of rs enteres in mkt ...and ur money moves in danger zone from safe zone ... in the area of big fishes...and operators
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 11:19:48 AM): i know on my word.. your crores of rs enteres in mkt ...and ur money moves in danger zone from safe zone ... in the area of big fishes...and operators
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 11:20:35 AM): and from there to exit safe .... is i know ... how i m managing it ...
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 11:21:37 AM): so my suggestion to all of u is if u really interested in gains ...and safe play ... please stay cool in mkt hrs
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 11:22:47 AM): hope u all are agree with me say yes if u r agree .... say no with reasons of disagreement
pradeep singh (7/2/2010 11:22:57 AM): yes
Sreekumar India-Vodafone Mobile (7/2/2010 11:23:02 AM): yes
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 11:23:09 AM): 2
lakshmanan c (7/2/2010 11:23:47 AM): ys
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 11:23:55 AM): 3
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 11:24:07 AM): Yes, i agree
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 11:24:15 AM): 4
Gagan singh (7/2/2010 11:24:28 AM): yes
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 11:24:38 AM): 5
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 11:24:43 AM): i am here to Gain money from market and i 100% know without Dhavanshra help and support i cant
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 11:26:45 AM): suzlon is at southward journey will buy at 57.05
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 11:26:58 AM): ok fine no prblm
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 11:26:59 AM): or 57.55
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 11:27:09 AM): u suggest i will follow (7/2/2010 11:44:06 AM): Amar Mundada: LNT call?? heis having 1000 lnt at hold so i planned 1850 call for sell sold at 36 so he is having 36000 premium Amar Mundada: ok no prblm Amar Mundada: i am happy with Suzlon now cmp is 30.30 wants 6 k i want 36 k hope u got now Amar Mundada: yes yes happy na ??? Amar Mundada is typing... Amar Mundada: 100%
Gagan singh (7/2/2010 1:04:16 PM): hi all
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 1:12:54 PM): all r tensed
Gagan singh (7/2/2010 1:13:02 PM):
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 1:18:43 PM): Amar Mundada: Sir Suzlon near to our 58.70 Amar Mundada: Sir Suzlon Blasted dhanvarshagrp: ok Amar Mundada: Sir i shorted at 58.85 Amar Mundada: pls acknowledge Amar Mundada: sir why always happens with me when i shoirt it goes up dhanvarshagrp: see when we use our brain it happes dhanvarshagrp: when we trade on signals it will never repeated Amar Mundada is typing... Amar Mundada: than what to use sir
Gagan singh (7/2/2010 1:24:00 PM): Can someone tell me Why NIfty is still trading under Huge Premium? Shall we assume Bullish Trend in near future? (7/2/2010 1:31:13 PM): please tell him ??
Gagan singh (7/2/2010 1:43:09 PM): suddenly rcom is shooting
Gagan singh (7/2/2010 1:43:12 PM): everything ok?
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 1:44:42 PM):
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 1:44:49 PM): rights issue of suzlon
Gagan singh (7/2/2010 2:05:55 PM): angel call: 14.04 Intraday F&O Call : Buy TATA MOTORS ( July Futs) @ 775.50 - 774.00
Gagan singh (7/2/2010 2:28:44 PM): I guess nifty will go down now,thats why cancelled suzlon buy orders
Gagan singh (7/2/2010 2:48:57 PM): anyone there
pradeep singh (7/2/2010 2:49:06 PM): yes sir
Gagan singh (7/2/2010 2:49:14 PM): thanks
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 2:49:19 PM): we all r here
Gagan singh (7/2/2010 2:49:23 PM): since long time no one was saying anything
Gagan singh (7/2/2010 2:49:25 PM): so i thought
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 2:49:25 PM): nifty is also there
pradeep singh (7/2/2010 2:49:26 PM): y, feeling alone
Gagan singh (7/2/2010 2:49:29 PM): hehe
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 2:49:29 PM): and Suzlon also
Gagan singh (7/2/2010 2:49:33 PM): yeah i was feeling alone (7/2/2010 2:51:26 PM): hahahaahahhahahahaha
pradeep singh (7/2/2010 2:53:12 PM): sir what made u laugh like amzad khan
pradeep singh (7/2/2010 2:53:28 PM): just joking sir
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 2:57:22 PM): nifty and rcom and suzlon all r here ........
pradeep singh (7/2/2010 2:57:50 PM): and gagan buddy is feelong as if he alone
mahendra tanwar (7/2/2010 3:01:22 PM): hi
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 3:01:44 PM): got no answer for my query
mahendra tanwar (7/2/2010 3:02:01 PM): can some one tell me about todays call given
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 3:02:03 PM): why i asked to cancel u buy orders
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 3:02:23 PM): so as to mislead big fishes they will not know that we all r short
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 3:03:51 PM): what is the difference in futures ....
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 3:04:26 PM): coz thre is no emegency of sq off
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 3:05:17 PM): those who are short nin rcom can ook profit below 193
mahendra tanwar (7/2/2010 3:07:54 PM): no on e is going to tell me
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 3:17:33 PM): 12 mins left ...
Gagan singh (7/2/2010 3:22:20 PM): As Sir predicted Rcom is moving towards 188
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 3:22:37 PM): 58.70 suzlon
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 3:24:43 PM): niklo from suzlon
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 3:25:10 PM): exited in profit at 58.55
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 3:25:15 PM): thanks a lot
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 3:25:20 PM): u r really great
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 3:25:29 PM): the way u told it happende the same way
Gagan singh (7/2/2010 3:26:04 PM): meri ek shikayat hai cash and nifty ki calls nahi mil rahi, im out of trade from last 2 days
Gagan singh (7/2/2010 3:30:32 PM): at last
Gagan singh (7/2/2010 3:30:44 PM): Closed in RED at support point
Gagan singh (7/2/2010 3:30:44 PM):
kailash chaturvedi (7/2/2010 3:31:55 PM): who is unhappy ??
mahendra tanwar (7/2/2010 3:31:59 PM): gagan you are right
mahendra tanwar (7/2/2010 3:32:15 PM): i am also not getting
Gagan singh (7/2/2010 3:32:26 PM): sir mein unhappy nahi hu. but gilaa hai aapse, ki calls nahi mil rahi
Gagan singh (7/2/2010 3:32:29 PM): 2 din ho gaye
Gagan singh (7/2/2010 3:32:30 PM):
mahendra tanwar (7/2/2010 3:32:49 PM): any calls in cash or in nifty since last two days
mahendra tanwar (7/2/2010 3:33:32 PM): guruji take care all the members wheather he is big or small (7/2/2010 3:34:04 PM): Show Recent Messages (F3) smriti jain: yes sir smriti jain: thanks to u smriti jain: thouh minimal gans smriti jain: but dekha jaye to save from loss smriti jain: so load of gains smriti jain: smriti jain: cu in the eve Last message received on 7/2/2010 at 3:30 PM hey 1200 minus brok not bad ii think (7/2/2010 3:34:24 PM): Amar Mundada: booked at 58.55 Amar Mundada: Sir u r really grest Amar Mundada: great Last message received on 7/2/2010 at 3:24 PMBookmark (7/2/2010 3:34:25 PM): Amar Mundada: booked at 58.55 Amar Mundada: Sir u r really grest Amar Mundada: great Last message received on 7/2/2010 at 3:24 PMBookmark
mahendra tanwar (7/2/2010 3:36:33 PM): guruji are you online or left the conference (7/2/2010 3:38:53 PM): i m here mahender
mahendra tanwar (7/2/2010 3:39:24 PM): ok sor thanks (7/2/2010 3:44:38 PM): aaj trade nahi kiya na
Gagan singh (7/2/2010 3:47:28 PM): nahi no trade (7/2/2010 3:49:38 PM): mkt dekha na (7/2/2010 3:49:49 PM): kitna indececive tha (7/2/2010 5:43:58 PM): yes
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 5:44:17 PM): In our active call section we have Bharti
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 5:44:26 PM): but in this week no action was suggested (7/2/2010 5:45:26 PM): see actually i m too much busy in chatting and teaching
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 5:45:51 PM): in market hrs why to teach (7/2/2010 5:45:53 PM): updating setting up systems etc (7/2/2010 5:46:11 PM): no after mkt (7/2/2010 5:46:26 PM): duringmkt only on charts
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 5:46:33 PM): ok
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 5:47:07 PM): can we ask query for other stocks which u had not mentioned i.e.
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 5:47:10 PM): SBI and GOLD (7/2/2010 5:47:32 PM): see u can (7/2/2010 5:47:47 PM): but will answer after some time
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 5:47:59 PM): but it is difficlut for u to track all those
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 5:48:35 PM): i came to know that SBI is the most safest stock to trade in (7/2/2010 5:48:49 PM): thats why i advicved all to ask at conf coz i am updating it at aangan
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 5:48:54 PM): the day SBI will be ZERO indian market will be zero (7/2/2010 5:49:05 PM): hmmm
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 5:51:34 PM): Sir today we shorted Suzlon, does it mean now we will not go long in it
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 5:51:49 PM): as we did for RNRL (7/2/2010 5:52:05 PM): no
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 5:52:32 PM): and still its 10% is to achive. right?
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 5:52:43 PM): u gave it at 56-57 for 10% gains
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 5:53:12 PM): means it should go upto 65++ right?? (7/2/2010 5:53:36 PM): i gave short there as signal was there but buying pressre took it up ... (7/2/2010 5:54:05 PM): thats why u all were in panic..
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 5:54:35 PM): sir what i am thinking instead of trading daily in suzlon (7/2/2010 5:54:36 PM): how i cotrooled the emotions and your fear u all kniow
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 5:55:00 PM): if i buy 1 lot and wait for 65 target than, is it good... (7/2/2010 5:55:09 PM): ok (7/2/2010 5:55:35 PM): answer me... buy call is buy at 57 (7/2/2010 5:55:48 PM): todays close is 50.65
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 5:55:52 PM): or daily trading and getting 2-5k is good (7/2/2010 5:56:07 PM): 58.65 (7/2/2010 5:56:45 PM): means who is holding it since lat15 days is at 6 k gain in it (7/2/2010 5:57:05 PM): but many of u earned 12k +++
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 5:57:05 PM): yes (7/2/2010 5:57:17 PM): on single lot
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 5:57:19 PM): but i am trading daily and i am in gain of 8k
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 5:57:26 PM): in single lot
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 5:57:37 PM): so waht u suggest (7/2/2010 5:57:41 PM): so answer is with u (7/2/2010 5:57:53 PM): why are u asking me
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 5:58:00 PM): Answer is Daily Trade (7/2/2010 5:58:34 PM): no answer is plan for 30 days trade and book when u feel weakness (7/2/2010 5:58:53 PM): and never book loss
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 5:59:11 PM): yes
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 5:59:18 PM): u r always right (7/2/2010 5:59:23 PM): coz i start planning from its med term move
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 5:59:38 PM): u really satify our doubts (7/2/2010 6:00:01 PM): i m not entering in any trade seeing its price chart of intra (7/2/2010 6:00:47 PM): and by all means i try to answer u all
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 6:01:08 PM): yes u really do
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 6:01:11 PM): it (7/2/2010 6:04:47 PM): but my problem is still u all come and ask me in mkt hrs
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 6:05:19 PM): yes..because we all r in experienced and we get panic very soon (7/2/2010 6:06:38 PM): thats why i always trying to convince u that ... please listen me (7/2/2010 6:07:04 PM): ... i will ask u to book loss ... in worst scene ... (7/2/2010 6:07:32 PM): and u have seen it many times ... (7/2/2010 6:07:41 PM): than why the panic,...
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 6:08:00 PM): yes we should not get panic (7/2/2010 6:08:47 PM): if 90 + trades and 10 negative trades are there what will be the end result ...80% gains na
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 6:09:04 PM): yes (7/2/2010 6:10:12 PM): so why the panic
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 6:34:09 PM): ok Sir thanks for all ur support and co operation
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 6:34:14 PM): Happy weekend
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 6:34:23 PM): see u on Monday
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 6:34:26 PM): bye (7/2/2010 6:34:59 PM): ok bye please mail ur last months experiniance soon..
Amar Mundada (7/2/2010 6:35:08 PM): ok (7/2/2010 6:35:14 PM): cua
lakshmanan c (7/2/2010 9:19:51 PM): ge,sir
dhanvarshagrp (7/2/2010 9:20:07 PM): r u in rcom ??
lakshmanan c (7/2/2010 9:20:16 PM): ys,sir
lakshmanan c (7/2/2010 9:21:06 PM): shorted@193.9
dhanvarshagrp (7/2/2010 9:21:40 PM): ok
lakshmanan c (7/2/2010 9:22:02 PM): it is coming down
dhanvarshagrp (7/2/2010 9:22:42 PM): see it is coming but news disturbing me
lakshmanan c (7/2/2010 9:22:42 PM): i kept premarket buy@188.1 2day
lakshmanan c (7/2/2010 9:22:59 PM): what is it sir
dhanvarshagrp (7/2/2010 9:23:28 PM): rcom joind hand with digi tv
lakshmanan c (7/2/2010 9:23:48 PM): ys i have seen it
lakshmanan c (7/2/2010 9:25:19 PM): do u suspect rcom will go up on monday,sir
dhanvarshagrp (7/2/2010 9:27:06 PM): i think news is digested
dhanvarshagrp (7/2/2010 9:27:09 PM): but
dhanvarshagrp (7/2/2010 9:27:27 PM): mkt is under influence na
lakshmanan c (7/2/2010 9:27:37 PM): ys,sir
dhanvarshagrp (7/2/2010 9:29:26 PM): so safety is must
lakshmanan c (7/2/2010 9:29:38 PM): ys,sir
lakshmanan c (7/2/2010 9:30:17 PM): keep it covered with little profit,is it,sir
lakshmanan c (7/2/2010 9:31:36 PM): i am waiting ur premarket suggestions for monday
lakshmanan c (7/2/2010 9:33:39 PM): is monday holiday for nasdac or dow
dhanvarshagrp (7/2/2010 9:42:07 PM): will see
lakshmanan c (7/2/2010 9:42:23 PM): o.k,sir
dhanvarshagrp (7/2/2010 9:42:41 PM): but technically it is still bearish
lakshmanan c (7/2/2010 9:42:50 PM): ya
dhanvarshagrp (7/2/2010 9:53:42 PM): so will go as per technicals
lakshmanan c (7/2/2010 9:54:01 PM): ys,sir
dhanvarshagrp (7/2/2010 9:54:44 PM): ok
dhanvarshagrp (7/2/2010 9:55:12 PM): laxamanji u shorted at 193 na
lakshmanan c (7/2/2010 9:55:22 PM): ys,sir
dhanvarshagrp (7/2/2010 9:55:39 PM): and today it shown 191
lakshmanan c (7/2/2010 9:55:57 PM): ys at last minute
dhanvarshagrp (7/2/2010 9:55:59 PM): means at 4k gain
lakshmanan c (7/2/2010 9:56:09 PM): ys sir
dhanvarshagrp (7/2/2010 9:56:32 PM): i think we should exit from it
lakshmanan c (7/2/2010 9:56:44 PM): o,k,sir
dhanvarshagrp (7/2/2010 9:57:13 PM): coz since our entry i m fighting with news
lakshmanan c (7/2/2010 9:57:28 PM): ys,sir
dhanvarshagrp (7/2/2010 9:57:34 PM): and all india is bullish
lakshmanan c (7/2/2010 9:57:46 PM): ys,sir
dhanvarshagrp (7/2/2010 9:58:24 PM): i think i alone wont stand againt big brokerage houses
lakshmanan c (7/2/2010 9:58:47 PM): ys,
dhanvarshagrp (7/2/2010 9:59:20 PM): motilal oswal
dhanvarshagrp (7/2/2010 9:59:26 PM): india infolie
lakshmanan c (7/2/2010 9:59:42 PM): ys they have recommeded it for buy
dhanvarshagrp (7/2/2010 9:59:44 PM): r monety
dhanvarshagrp (7/2/2010 10:00:08 PM): and i am having only 800 followers
lakshmanan c (7/2/2010 10:00:18 PM): ys sir
lakshmanan c (7/2/2010 10:06:04 PM): so pl send pre market exit rate for rcom on monday morning,sir,i think better to cover it
lakshmanan c (7/2/2010 10:08:08 PM): see u tomorrow,sir gn
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